Like I said before...
My local National Forest office is currently working with my club to develop ORV trails in our National Forest Area.
We have been trying to find riding area in our local area, but most of the available land is either State owned, Federal Forest, or owned by large (paper) companies. The state land is mostly land that is undesireable (swamp) that went back to the state for nonpayment of taxes. The corporations that have large land holdings are concerned with liability and damage to the timber they need to make their paper (note importance of SPARK ARRESTERS!). With Clinton's Roadless Initiative, we really thought we'd meet yet another brick wall with the Forest Service.
After meeting with the local Forest Service Recreation Director, we learned that they were actually HAPPY that a group approached them. It is their preference to work in cooperation with organizations that wish to accomplish something in order to make changes to how the Forest is operated. We currently are meeting with them to develop plans as to how to best develop trails that will be beneficial to individuals that wish to recreate in our Forest area using Off Road Vehicles. Alas, nothing moves very fast when dealing with bureaucrats....