Bush admin decides to keep the Roadless Initiative

KLX Spode

Feb 29, 2000
I am beyond pi**ed about this! In case ou have not heard, Anne Venneman, new Head of the Department of Agriculture, this is the department that heads the United States Forestry Service, has declared that the Roadless Initiative, set in play by the Clinton Administration, will stay in place. She says that within the next few months, some new regulations will be put in place that will let some of the control for roads in the National Forests be placed in partial control of the local offices. I was so happy that Bush had been voted into office of Gore because of the premise that he would be less apt to sway towards the Enviro-Nazis. Any advice on what we should do now?!:o


Jan 10, 2001
Don't Sweat It

Bush is still on the corect side of the fence. Look at his hostile attitude towards CA's energy crisis. He is using CA's liberal government as the poor example it really is. I hope we never get Federal aid for this debachle. We finally have a President who is not only rational, but lacks the undesireable trait of thievery.

Over the next few years, the Greenies will feel the same fustration we felt with Klinton in office. Bush is from a big business lineage and is probably grooming his cabinet in preparation for the use of some new administrative tools. Bush's quest for fossil fuels and other energy sources is going to leave the Sierra Club walking the trail of tears. OHV enthusiasts will be dancing in the campgrounds.

I believe the "local control" of a lot of these roads will be an outstanding accomplishment. Farmers and people who thrive off of OHV tourist dollars will rightfully have a say as to what happens to their economies.

BTW, those of you who are not Blue Ribbon Coalition members, GET IT IN GEAR!!!!!!!

KDK :)

KLX Spode

Feb 29, 2000
You think that us in Kali should be thankfull for local control?!:scream: Look at what great "control" they have exerted so far! They are some of the biggest proponents of the Roadless Issue. I feel as if Bush let us down in a very big way. Don't get me wrong, I would suppoert him over the alternatives (read any Democrat), but I see this as a slap in the face and a huge political move. In his, and the Republican Party for that matter, scope of trying to be bi-partisan are going to let the Left dominate the issue as they tend to paint with the broad brush of "we need to do it for the children"! I am aslo sickened at the thought that as a barganing chip for the Hispanic vote, he also is going to extend the "amnesty"(or illegal mariage)program". I realize this is way off topic, but I think it goes to show the point.


Aug 12, 1999
I agree, I feel let down by this decision.
I'm suspicious that Bush is "letting them get one now," so that he can "get one later."
By that I mean that there is going to be a heck of a fight for the oil drilling Bush wants in Alaska; by giving in on this one (the Roadless Initiative) now, he can save for the battle he really wants to win (Alaska oil development).
A nasty trade-off to be sure, but (I think in the scheme of things) an important one.
I still feel like I've been kicked in the shin. The modification allowing for local control (whatever THAT is), does give *us* a chance in our own backyard, though. I've been working with the Recreation Manager of our local National Forest to ensure the ability of ORVers to enjoy and recreate in our National Forest along with everyone else, and thus far, we have made very positive progress. I should think this will continue given the latest.


Oct 7, 1999
You guys are right, but also wrong, about this.

Bush is being massacred for his stands so far on "the environment". They are completely common-sense based, but the media has such an axe to grind, and they can find nothing else to complain about, that they have chosen this. The special interest, heavily-funded environmental groups are, expectedly, adding swill fuel to this pig-like party.

Yet what did GW do anyway? Overturn the roadless initiative. HELLO, PEOPLE . . . WHEN WE FOUGHT THIS, OUR MAIN ARGUMENT WAS THAT THESE THINGS SHOULD BE HANDLED ON A LOCAL LEVEL -- NOW THEY ARE GOING TO BE -- geez, give a guy credit, will you please, when he joins our position, and runs a huge political risk in doing so?

p.s. I think that much of the confusion may be based in (gasp!) the reporting. Read different accounts of this for different perspectives. And use this as yet another example/reason to distrust the media. Please.

KLX Spode

Feb 29, 2000
Believe me, I do not even attempt to watch our wonderfull "Big 3" betworks! My bone of contention with this is as long as these "last hour" attempts by Klinton to push an agenda he had no desire to actually back continue to be held up, Bush will be in a no-win situation. The Church of Liberalism and the Greenies already don't like because he does not have a D after his name, and the more conservative among us are starting to lose favor because he is already waffling on some of his campaign issues. My biggest worry comes ffom hoping he will not cow-down like the Republican "led" Congress before him. Until the Republican party starts to stand a fight like the Demo's do, we will never be in true control. I know that both of you, KT & LT, might be a little more rational than me, but when it comes to politics, I think that Conservatives need to be as pro-active as the Lefties are. Bush will continue to masacred by the media regardless of his stance because the mainstream media that the majority of the "Sheeple" are brainwashed into watching continue to spew their own personal agenda. If you can't tell by my tone, I am infuriated, as I'm sure that the rest of the Kalifornians can tell you, that the Liberals continue to force their agenda down our throat!
BTW, LongTime, I posted in the other forum my congratulations on the career move! Hope everything goes well for you. And aslo, SEMPER FI!! :p


Jan 10, 2001


What I was trying to say is the rest of the U.S. looks at Kalifornia as an anti-example of how they want to live. I ride in the other western states more often then I ride here. On several occasions I have had to explain that I live in K.A. and am only here for the money. This state is a non-stop comedy show.

I assist in the deportation of people every single day that are here illegally and draining our economy with their gang banging and wife beating. I can only say it's inconcieveable that people here support felons who jump the border. K.A. is crowded and getting worse.

That's just one example of this gathering of people. Bush sees this state for what it is. A lost cause. He is allready pointing the finger and laughing at K.A. when it(we) asked for federal aid for our energy fiasco.

"No man(or state) is completely useless, they can always serve as a bad example."

BTW, I have 45 days off coming up soon. If anyone wants to go to central and Northern Nevada, let me know.

SEMPER PERATUS or something like that.



Jul 26, 2000
We were betrayed! I don't care how you try to rationalize the roadless problem. We got laid without even being kissed! It's too bad Bush is just another groomed politician. I thought I was voting for something else.:(


Sep 22, 2000
I received a letter the other day from my Senator explaining that by caving into some of this stuff, it was actually the best way for Bush to handle the issue.
The theory is that once everything becomes a fact, then they can not back track on it and we end up getting what we want in the end. :confused: OK!

XR650Rider; June 9th there will be a race near Wells,NV


Jan 10, 2001

Thanks for the heads-up on wells.

I am seeing this the same way you are. Unfortunately, future-pacing an outcome around here is a thankless endeavor. We will just have to hang around the campfire and rehearse our "I told you so speech."

Until then, I'll be riding the high desert.



Sep 22, 2000
Yep, rolling over and giving up on something so we can get something back later on --- maybe! :confused

HERE is a link with info on that race June 9th

KLX Spode

Feb 29, 2000
I guess I don't understand the roll-over-and-expose-my-genetalia type of mentality that WE always have to be the compromising "bi-partisan" bearers of fairness! If these issues on our side were fought with the tenacity thet the Lib's fight there causes, we might actually get more respect.
I am not out to start a flame war with this particular issue, only TRY to get others to GET INVOLVED with issues that have a great outcome on something you believe in. I think that Bush does have the ability to be a good leader, I just wish that politicians in general would not sway and bend by the polls.
My problem is maybe something others don't see: When is the last issue you saw the Left cave on? Like the saying goes: If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!
Get involved people! I agree whole-heartedly with XR(maybe by his tone, more than he knows!:D ) on the issue of joining groups like the Blue Ribbon Coalition and others like it. The Lib's have been tremendously successful(ouch, it hurts even to say that!) by getting their agenda pushed as being "mainstream" by churnung out massive amounts of propeganda by large oginizations such as th Sierra Klub and Greenpeace. If we were to do the same, it is still possible to reverse the damage done by therse groups.


Oct 7, 1999
Hello, people

He didn't roll over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Read some more accounts on what actually occured, will you??????????????

My gosh, with friends like this, why would a guy carry on our fight?

Are you all so cynical that you really believe that bs, that "they are all the same?" If so, WE ARE LOST! Because that is the fall back position of the far-lefties. I know many of you don't know this routine, so let me explain:

Being a good greenie (or other far leftie) group, first, you complain that the Republican is taking an extreme stance against yours.

Second, knowing that you now have said enough to placate your non-thinking, knee-jerk, lemming and/or sheep mentality followers, you can stow them safely away in the "I-hate-that-darn-right-wing-extremist-who-probably-also-believes-in-God,-too" camp, and thus relegate his votes to the dust bin of your followers' garbage heaps, so much so that no matter what the candidate does (or you should tell him/her), that your moronic liberal followers will believe that person, contrary to all evidence, wants to kill your children, pollute your environment, and make old people live off of dog food, etc. With your base thus now certain, you now are safe to try to erode the Republican's base, by trying to convince them that the guy is actually coming to your left-wing positions.


Of course, you can all keep up your current m.o. -- and fall easy victim to the plans of the left. Obviously it's worked well so far. Want more of the same? (decreased riding areas; no voice at the table; two strokes disappearing; California scapegoating of motorcycle emissions; etc)??? Then keep undercutting your own best friends.

Peace out.
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Sep 22, 2000
Giving that so we can get this---:) Clear as mud now;)

The new provisions will allow road-building decisions to be applied on a forest-by-forest basis rather than using a one-size-fits-all national policy, Crandall said.
He expects the administration will craft a new rule in about nine months, though it will take one to five years for each national forest's plan to be reviewed.
"There is no silver bullet," Crandall said. On the forest level, "there is going to be much more attention put on roadless protections now, but at least they will be doing it on a site-by-site basis rather than some blanket rule from Washington."


I can understand the logic now.

The letter from my Senator did not explain it this well.


Oct 7, 1999
Thanks, KW, for providing an example of what I was talking about. You have now read a report written in a different light -- a light that actually makes GW sit well with his open-access base. There were other articles written along that theme, as well, but apparently there were many others, that people here have read and that have caused concern, that were written from a different angle. The fact is, GW has been, and is, operating to help our cause.

KLX Spode

Feb 29, 2000
LT and others

You miss my point, or maybe I am not as articulate and tend to be more rambunctious. I will support Mr. Bush and his administration, but, I think we need to keep their feet to the fire and let them know that we wish to give them support on issues that we deem important to our sport and to other rights we do not wish to see eroded. By letting the main-stream media know that there is more than the Greenies side to an issue and sticking to it, we might(maybe wishfull dreaming) be able to make inroads and erode some of the "Sheeple" base that the Lefties have built up. The issue that Ms. Venneman spoke of is they will try to give "local control" to the roadless issue. In our case in Kalifornia, we would almost be better off to let it stay as written by the Klintons. My point was that we as a group, or large groups such as the BRC, need to let our voices be heard and let them know we wish to be included in the discussion on how our lands will be used and how the guidline should be followed for a fair and equitable use of the National Parks. I never said in any of my argument that we should turn our backs on Mr. Bush, only let him know that there are people that will support him if he stands up to the Church of Liberalism. Again, maybe I just come across a little strong, but, I do beleive that they are put in office as servants for all of the people, not just a fragment of the population.
That being said, I do not need it spelled out for me on how the major political parties opperate, nor do I need it laid out in an over-simplified way that I need to blindly put my faith in our leaders and just go along for the ride. This is, unfortunately,what got us into the possition we are in. If others would stay informed and turn off the Jerry Springers and Tom Brokaws(sp?) and actually get several INFORMED opinions from sources such as Fox News and others, perhaps we will not continue the mistakes made in the past by giving the CoL the power thay now have.
BTW, my source for the news that Bush and Venemman had left the Roadless Initiative in place for review was the Blue Ribbon Coalition update, not the "Big Three" networks, indeed!
What also rips me about this issue of standing for our rights for our sport, look at the horrible stats for this page on DRN: other than a few other narrowly focussed pages, this page gets almost NO hits! Chaps my hide knowing that everybody loves the sport, but does very little to fight for the support of it! AHHHHHHHHHHGH!!!:p
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Sep 22, 2000
From the Sierra Club's Homepage:
"President Bush concedes that Americans want to protect these areas for recreation and clean water. Poll after poll, comment after public comment has shown wide support for saving our last unspoiled forests. The Bush administration is afraid to just dump the plan. Instead, it has taken a tack where it can claim credit for upholding the rule while allowing the State of Idaho and the timber industry to gnaw away at the edges until no protections remain.

It seems apparent that they are not to sure either. :)

Once I leaned my head to the side and crossed my eyes while squinting just right I could see, in fact that is the only way I can understand half of this political stuff. :eek:

KLX Spode,
I understand your point, my problem was with my Senator who has caved in the past ( Impeachment etc....) who sends me a letter that is far from being rational in explaining why Bush was going to let Clintons theft of our children's future stand!
I have not given up on Dubuwa. :)

KLX Spode

Feb 29, 2000
My point exactly, KW!

As long as think they their constituents won't cry "FOUL!" when they cave, they will continue to cave and vote byt the poll. Mark my words, the Sierra Klub will mobilize and attack this issue full force and without mercy! We need to mobilze and attack with the same force!
Luckily for my area in Central Cal,this area tends to lean to the right, but, the unfotunate part is we are way outvoted by the political machines in the Bay area and Los Angeles which leads to the reason that our "illustrious" Govenor Davis has appointed the Executive Director of the California Wilderness Commission Paul Spitler, who also served with the American Lands Alliance ( the group that wishes to lock away public lands from vehicles of any type!) , two others who are members of the Sierra Klub Judith Anderson and Daphne Green, and Sherriff and Coroner(!) Michael Prizmich for what reason I have no idea, to our Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Commission!:o Fortunately for us, the electricity debachle that we are in right now should ensure that Mr. Davis will be a on-term Governor!;) Hopefully we can cross our collective fingers and hope that the damage is not done by then.


Oct 7, 1999
Originally posted by KWJams
Once I leaned my head to the side and crossed my eyes while squinting just right I could see, in fact that is the only way I can understand half of this political stuff. :eek:

:D :D


Jan 10, 2000
In politics there is always a hidden agenda.The way I see by doing this Bush is keeping the greens satisfied while takeing the teeth out of the intiative to satisfy us off road riding wackos:eek: .


Jun 12, 2000
OK, I'll weigh in as one of those riders who does love the sport and wants to do something; but first I want to be more informed than emotional.

Here's what it looks like in my favorite area. The roadless initiative does not appear to be the threatening issue in this area. The proposed "roadless areas" here are practically inaccessible or un-desireable riding areas with virtually no roads or trails anyway. I know; I've attended meetings and studied the maps. The local Forestry staff are somewhat neutral watching a lot of un-informed emotional response, when the smart guys are coming in the backdoor (see below).

Anyway, the "initiative's" effect will be to deter mining access, not inhibit trail riding. You really have to study the maps to figure this out. If any of you have seen what Mitsubishi has done to the backside of Big Bear, you'd probably agree this is good.

Of more concern is enviro-activists attempting to close existing roads/trails due to endangered species. They're smart and have money to use the "rules" and pressure local forestry staff with geo/bio studies. The only way to counter is to counter "in-kind". This takes organization, research and resources.

In my area, I welcome more local control. I'm closer to it. The battle is becoming more tactical than strategic, where proximity will work to my advantage. Our local club has spun off an organization of "allies", including horseriders, quaders, jeepers, hikers, local indian tribe (who argues access to religious sites!), etc. All this under the Americans for Forest Access (AFFA). I think this is a great "local" tactic and it's caught the attention of the local Forestry; not because they oppose us, but because now there's a "balancing" force that will force them to scrutinize the "other side's" tactics.

That's my assessment of my local reality. For us, the roadless initiative causes a lot of wasted emotions and acts as a diversion from what really matters: keep what we got open. Check what's happening at your local area; you may discover the same thing and realize your time and emotion could be better spent.

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