
Aug 12, 2003
is this a real dual sport ride this year or is it a trail ride done under that name for legal purposes?any further info would help.


Aug 2, 2000
I'm not sure what you mean.

I've rode this event many times. You ride some woods, you ride some road.

Usually it is run as two loops each the same. I've always enjoyed it.


Aug 12, 2003
I have ridden it also many times.At last years event during the riders meeting the organizer stated that it was for street legal bikes and anyone not street legal was "on their own" as far as lawmen were concerned.enduro bikes with lights were allowed to ride by the organizer but moto bikes were not.also he said something about the clubs insurance not permitting it.just trying to find out if it is the same this year.I have only seen the event advertised as a dual sport.


Aug 2, 2000
I think what they want is for the bikes to at least appear to be legal. Therefore a mx bike with lights would be ok. A mx bike with no lights would not be. In other words, enduro legal.


Mar 19, 2001
Layton is correct. We run some roads, mostly gravel, but we need bikes to be street legal looking. I was the one that gave the riders meeting last year and what I said was "we have to have bikes looking legal, we cannot have MX bikes with no lights on the roads and expect to keep having events". The area we run in is growing more and more just like every other little town. So the more we can do to keep towns people happy, the longer we can put on events.

I was amazed at the number of people that were upset with us for not letting them run with MX bikes with no lights. I know it's your problem if the cops stop you as far as tickets go, but people don't understand that the cops will come back to the club and ask us why we let none legal bikes go on public roadways. If that was to happen, you can bet the next year they will be out checking around for the same thing to happen. So if make people have lights and they look "legal" , it justs helps. Knock on wood, we only run a couple of gravel roads and have never had problems for over 30 years, but it only takes one time to wreck an event.

This years event should be about a 25 mile loop with about 4 miles of road. It should be fun for everyone. If you rode last falls or the spring event, this will be different trail and maybe a little more open. For the people that rode the Spring Enduro, it will be the majority of the second loop.

If you would like a flyer or more info, please email me at [email protected]


Sep 7, 2004
im new to this ridin stuff and got an MX bike, is there good trail ridin out there in byron all the time? space is gettin takin from me all the time out here by the big city


Mar 19, 2001
Sorry but there are no open trails in Byron. All the land we run is private property and we get permison to to put on our events. The only way to ride these trails are to ride our events or join our club and help lay out the events.


Aug 12, 2003
thanks for the update,I'm well aware of the law,mx bikes,and club issues.I'm on a kdx "enduro legal" bike no plate.was'nt sure if the same rules applied this year.You run a great event and i look forward to it every year.
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