Having read most of the complaints about Camelbak, I thought I'd pass this on.
Camelbak currently has an online survey on their website, www.camelbak.com. One of the questions provides a space to type in your hobbies, or when you use a hydration system. I think we should all type "Motorcycle racing/riding" in this space to let them know just how many of us use hydration systems in our pasttime/sport.
Filling out the survey also registers you in a sweepstakes for a free system.
Camelbak currently has an online survey on their website, www.camelbak.com. One of the questions provides a space to type in your hobbies, or when you use a hydration system. I think we should all type "Motorcycle racing/riding" in this space to let them know just how many of us use hydration systems in our pasttime/sport.
Filling out the survey also registers you in a sweepstakes for a free system.