Camera cleaning and repairs


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Going to do a little spamming here in case anyone is looking.
I found by accident a small shop here in Madison Wis that does repairs and cleaning on photographic equipment. I was getting all kinds of dust spots popping up lately and decided to try cleaning the sensor. When I went to a store to get the supplies I got talking to the guy and he suggested this place as a very good, reliable and economical place to get it done right. I stopped by there Monday afternoon and talked to the owner. Once I felt comfortable I left the camera and today (tuesday) when I went back it was done. $55 later some very thorough cleaning and some adjustments it is like new. The guy also looked over my lens and said he just cleaned the exterior and the sliding mechanisms- no charge.

With the dusty conditions we all subject our equipment to I thought some of you might be looking for an option.


May 10, 2007
It's always nice to come in contact with honest, timely, reasonable people. Worth spreading the word about.
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