Can't revv! Please help!


Apr 15, 2004
I tried writing a really long explenation of my problem, but got logged out. Here's the short version:

Motorhispania RX 50cc roadracing bike.
New dellorto 17mm/8.5 jet.
New reed valve.
Runs on idle.
Won't rev over 6000 rpm.
Instead of a healthy WREEEEE when I pull the throttle, it goes BWAAAAAP, and the engine stalls.

I had to cut a piece off the sleave of the wire running to the carburettor to install it, as per the instructions of my parts dealer. The adjustment nut is adjusted, so that the wire is tight enough, so that's not the problem.

I tried pulling just the wire from to the carburettor (there is a split, and another wire runs to something I don't know what is), and it revved fine.

Anyone ever had this kind of trouble? If I can't revv it, I can't get enough torque to drive...

Can anyone help?



Apr 17, 2002
I don't know this bike, but is the second wire you mention going to an oil pump to supply 2 stroke oil into the engine? if this is not connected, and you are not using premix you will damage the engine.
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