case splitting


Aug 25, 2003
anyone got any good tips for splitting the crankcases without having to take it to my local Kawa dealer and wait 9 days and get charged £30 for 5 mins work??


Jul 14, 2002
That's usually cheaper than buying the tools! Unless you plan on doing this more than once or twice.... have someone else do it for you. Have you looked for an indy in your area? Generally they are cheaper but you better check their reputation. You can make the tool if your really cheap... nothing to them.....


Oct 4, 2003
I just split the cases on a 95yz80 and Wow was it simple. Much easier than the xr80 i did a few years ago. It should come right apart when u take everything out.


Oct 14, 1999
Last I checked FRP charged $150 to split a kdx case..and that is with the engine out of the frame. I don't know if that includes putting it back together.

L30 is cheap!

MotionPro makes a tool for splitting bike cases. Seems it's around $150. Like Rethnal's cheaper to have it done unless you are going to do it a few times.

Riders have also used other pullers..basic gear, balancer and wheel.

It's not so much the splitting but the putting back together that I'd be worried about. What are you going to do once it's in pieces? It's not only a matter of doing what you should when you're in there (crank seals/bearings, tranny seals/bearings etc) but doing it right. In some cases the depth to which the seals are driven is critical. A bit too far and you're in trouble.

Good luck. If you end up doing it yourself, post a tutorial for us!
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