Cedar Creek ride report - NICE SNOW!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Just got back from the "creek" and thought I would drop a line here. Both Norht and south loops are in GREAT shape for winter fun. The snow is about 6 inches deep (perfect for screws). Watch the east side of the south loop if you are a "rager" cause the snowmobiles have been sneaking around on the single track and they really make the trail squirlley (and I thought surfin was a California thing :) ).
Trailhead on Ryerson Rd is in pretty rough shape (maybe it was the bald tires on my van), I suggest not stopping until you make a path for departure!
Been really quite up here, no "oncoming" traffic - cool (literally)!
I am REALLY enjoying my KDX250 after spending last winter on my VOR and the winter before on the XR. Amazing how much more fun these 2 smokes are in the winter (summer too :) )! They sure do start easier!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, wore my Snoowmobile suit (bibs and jacket) cause it was about 7 degrees out - way to warm! Should have stuck with the Carharts!
Oh yea, grip heaters are WONDERFUL - don't know why I ever went without them.....
THought I would check in - ya'all come ride when ya can but cha better hurry if you want to snow ride - 5 more weeks till spring :) :) !


Oct 6, 2002
There is going to be a group of riders going up to the trail just north of White Cloud this Saturday. I went there on New Years Day, but will be sitting this round out.(recovering from hand surgery) Last time about 10+ riders showed up, ages 20-60+. It was a blast. I agree with the 2-stroke comment, last year I converted 2 Four stroke riders to Two Strokes. Both are doing much better on the 2 strokes and are glad they made the switch. I'm sorry I couldn't talk them out of buying KDX's but oh well, at least there not XR's.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
That sounds like a riot but I got a business trip this weekend (see Marlin - I dont get ALL the fun :) ) If things change I will certainly be there. Thanks for the heads up and hope your wrist heals well!
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