Cells kneecap protection unsnapped?


May 24, 2001
Finally bought some Cells, due to all the good things I've heard, and the agonizing pain in my knee after a decent ride.

The good news is, after my first ride, my knee is not bothering me. It's a little stiff, but no pain. the stiffness is typical (broke in 8 pieces on a mountain bike crash, lots of pcl damage too).

Only odd thing was that both patella cups were completely unsnapped by the end of the day. As protecting my knee cap is critical after what happened to me before, that is a bit worrisome. Any ideas why this would happen? I'm sure they were snapped before I pulled my pants over 'em.



Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Unsnapped how? Unsnapped from the top and bottom where it plugs into the frame or unsnapped from the sides where the elastic band has a metal snap that snaps to itself? Did you get the braces direct or through a dealer/vendor? The patela cups have been redesigned and where they plug into the top and bottom frame pieces it is very easy to glance at them and even give a slight tug and think they are locked but they are not as this happened to me once too but has never again happened and I have the patela cups off and on depending on the activity often. The very early Cells had different patela cup clips for the frame and seemed weak as I popped mine out several times and they just felt loose when locked in. The updated ones have been no problem at all. Even with the early clips being somewhat loose I ground one cup into hamburger but it never came loose but this was after I vas very certain they were locked in because the day befroe is when it had popped out :eek:


May 24, 2001

The part that came unsnapped is the little elastic band that snaps back onto itself, on the sides. The same kind of snap on a little kids pants. The main clips on the braces did not come undone, and were quite snug. There are two snaps on each brace. Is there any way to tell what vintage brace these are?

They were purchased from an authorized vendor/dealer locally.



Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I don't know if Asterisk has a way to track what release you have or not.

It sounds like the stud part of the snap may just need to be flaired out a bit or the clasp portion of the snap tightened up a tiny bit. You could do either tweak with simple hand tools. A light hand on the hammer and a brass punch of about 3/8" diameter on the stup would mushroom it just a little bit or a slight squeeze with some channel lock could tighten the clasp part up a skosh. I've used these trick on my kids' jeans once or twice with good results.

Billywho should be stopping by to see this thread as soon as he gets his PC off the lift.:)


Mar 22, 2001
Mark, I can tell you if they are the latest ones by answering me this, is the elastic strap on each side of the patella cup able to come completely off when it is unsnapped, or is it sewn to the condyle snap piece? Tweaking them as Patman explained will work fine, but if you have any concerns about fixing them your self call Brad at 1-800-459-2999 X206 on Wednesday morning and we'll be happy to send you out the latest ones at no charge.
Sorry about the problem, we'll take care of it.

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