Center Road in NC


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Keep riding north til you get to my house, then we'll ride ;)

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Sorry you didn't make it.

That place was AWESOME! It was literally the best-prepped track I have ever ridden. Nice, smooth hardpacked jumps with safe landings. Most could be doubled or tripled. Everything in between the jumps was worked up at least a foot deep and watered well enough to keep the dust down without being muddy first thing in the morning.

Danny and I were the first two out and it was so cool having that much fluff to ride in. By the end of the day there were several ruts to follow in each corner. They we big enough to use without being so big that they were hard to get through.

There was a really fast girl there with "Jenny" on her jersey. She looked at me funny when I asked if she was Blackhawk. :)


Sep 13, 2001
That is our favorite track. The people who run it are great. The track is open 7 days a week and watered and groomed on Saturday morning. They break up the beginners and everyone else and also use flaggers. The track is also changed slightly, from time to time.

High Lord... What did you think of the large up hill table top? I've landed 'bout 3/4 of the way up, but can't convince my right hand to twist harder! That used to be an uphill double/triple with the take off being smaller.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
The jump looked really cool. Good air witha soft landing at the top. I didn't do it, though...I have to behave for a while or they'll take my bike away.

It was about 1/2 to 2/3 the size of the big step-up at Cooperland, but not as steep.
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