Changing too lighter springs on '04 KX65


Nov 24, 2003
I just bought my son an '04 KX65 and I need to put lighter springs in it for him (he's only 60 lbs.). The bike is brand new.
My question is, can I just remove the fork caps, while the forks are on the bike, and pull out the old springs and drop in the new?
The springs came with washers, which I assume are for changing the preload. I don't think that I really need to mess with changing that right now unless somebody, "in the know", tells me different.
I would think that the oil level would stay the same when removing the old springs, except for a very small amount left on the springs. So I shouldn't need to add any, right?
Also, are there any special tools that I am going to need to do this job?
I appreciate any help that you can give here.

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