Nov 28, 2006
I love the action shots, especially the extreme sport-types, you know with the huge drops and stuff. But that's just cause it's all new to me I suppose. Also liked the "sun star" shots under the Big Red Cats tab, but try to zoom out and get some background every now and then, it felt like I needed to back up to enjoy some of them lol. You've definitely mastered the Rule of Thirds, and they look real nice!


Aug 8, 2000
Thanks for the comments guys, I really appreciate it. Big Red Cats let me come up and take pictures of their operation for two days over christmas. It was spectacular and I can't say enough good things about cat skiing. I'll keep in mind the zoom out comment next time I'm up at the hill.

I like the Danomethod, but unfortunately it's cropped from a 4MP full size image and doesn't have enough resolution for a print. I might be able to salvage a 4x6 print, but that's about it.
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