Cheese with that whine?


Sponsoring Member
Jan 24, 2002
( Pred probably better fire up the ole waaambulance) OK some of ya know I've had knee problems for a while and they got a lot worse this year, so I decided to start the process with my HMO to get repaired. For the last month and a half I have been goung through the process, of referrals and such finally got an MRI last Mon. and am supposed to talk to the sawbones about it tomorrow. In the mean time I wanted to ride as much as possible ( the only real bad effect is that if I spring too hard off a jump face the knee comes out of joint, so just carry a little more speed and jump em smooth :) ) I was on spring break last week so I planned to ride a bunch long story short by thurs, I had ridden only once (race sun) and had to cut that short, Got invited to ride at a buddy's private MX track thurs and up in the mtns Sun, so things were looking up. Thurs I had to get on the roof and get the swamp cooler ready for summer, took a lot longer than I thought so at 4 pm I am just climbing down and it will take too long to meet Bear atr his track so I think OK I'll go do a few laps at Broadmore (a practice track near my house ) there will be some kids out there and I can get in a little moto and salveage the day. Got there, not a soul, shoulda gone home then. Started riding, felt OK but the track was hammred, some of our lounge chair riding friends had been riding on it so the jump faces were worn down in places, the berms were pushed way back and there were some wierd ruts form the last time it had rained going diagonaly in places (can't blame quads on that one) the surface is hardened kalichi (cement and talcum powder) should have loaded up: I'm not very smart. rode for about an hour, the light is getting bad so I think one more lap and I'll quit, on the last section leading back to the truck (lterally 15 yrds from stopping) there is a section with 3 single jumps on the last one as I hit it (4th gear accelerating) something kicks me violently sideways in the air and i highside upon impact. Once I stopped rolling I thought, Larry fall hard, (I am really eloquent when I crash) . Took inventory, knees were ok, (thanks asterisk) hand hurt a little (strained ligament) ears were ringing, and my left side felt like Mike Tyson had heard my imitation of him (and didn't like it much). Bike has bent bars, trashed plastic and wasted pipe. well crap, I'll be slow on Sun, put on my less dinged pipe and ride with the bars, but ride. Get home I have a couple of more chores (My wife is a firefighter and is gone for 48 hrs, I was gonna clean before she got home) I was sore but not as bas as I thought. I start vacuuming, and had to do a little at a time cause I felt dizzy. Stopped and ate sat on the couh felt better. got up to finish now I am REALLY stiff and my left hip is sticking out about 3 inches (swelled up when I sat down ) go to do the dishes , felt dizzy, sat down, felt better give it another go stand up fall to knees, can't stand, put my head down fell better stand to go to sit in chair, fall to knees agagin, crawl to chair, get scared a lilttle, call wife tell her I'm gonna call 911, evidently I trailed off a little cause she was yelling in the phone when I next remember. Call 911, they come ( i know one of the guys) I think i have a concussion and tell em so, they run my vitals and my blood pressure is REALLY low, ( i think they said 70/20 but I can't remember a lot of detail) so I get loaded on a gurney and taken out. They start an IV and I fell better as we are goin, after a long time in the ER till, 2 am, the doc says I was critically dehydrated and all of the fluid had gone into the hematomas on my left side, They also looked at my new hypertension meds and asked me how much water i had drank I said about 2 of the plastic water bottles, she said with a diuretic you should be drinking a gallon when you're active, I said diuretic? I had been given a new med and it makes ya pee more, but I hadn't noticed any real effect. I wasn't told and didnt know to increase my water (not diet doc) intake by a large amount. I have never felt worse or more stupid, Now I probably can't ride for at least 2 weeks. I feel like crap I literally can't wear any of my pants, (the hematomas are still 2-3 inches) my wife says I look gross and I have to go to the Ortho tomorrow to find out the prognosis on the knee. Let's turn this into a contest, how many stupid things did BEEF do on Thursday? ist prize gets 2 pictures of the left side of me, second prize gets one. Let the flaming commence :flame: (my longest post ever, sorry)


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Uh, you definitely needed the whaaambulance, without the whaa!

Heal up, pardner.


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
Dang, man, hope you are feeling better. I've done the dehydration thing, and it's pretty scary. Take it easy and heal up.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Beef, when someone says "let's take one more loop", it's time to load the bike and go home. Hope you heal up quickly.


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
BSWIFT said:
Beef, when someone says "let's take one more loop", it's time to load the bike and go home. Hope you heal up quickly.

Megga dittos there. I am having surgery Wed. 3/31 to correct my "1 more lap" trophy from last April.

One more lap = 5th metacarpel snapped like a breadstick for me. Time to get it fixed.

Hope you heel up fast, brotha.

Next time listen to that little voice in the back of your mind.... No not the one that says "the grave must be deeper or else they'll find the bodies", but the voice that tells you that it is time to pack it in, or to roll the jump this lap b/c it just ain't right this time.



Dang Beef! Take her easy out there! One of my top rules is: Always quit when I'm still "feelin' the love". And I ain't talkin' bout my weiner, neither... :eek:


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
Hey Beef! Man, you scared me. When you were telling that story, I thought you were bleeding out (a la ruptured spleen, etc.). I'm so glad you're alright. I tell ya, I did the same thing last summer. Riding by myself while it's getting dark. Bad, bad combo. Bad, bad concussion (#2 of 3 recent). For some reason, when I go over the bars, the bike never fails to land on me.

BUT. Let's go back a sec. All that happened (and some time expired between the ride and the dizziness) and it was all called dehydration? To have dehydration as the ONLY cause of a BP of 70/20 would mandate the associated acute renal failure, and serious electrolyte disturbances that would have definitely bought you an admission (critically low sodium, potassium, possibly acidosis or high acid content from tissue ischemia (low blood flow)). Whoever that doc was, had big balls not bringing you in.

There are many other possibilities, and I guarantee dehydration was a negligible contributor. When people are playriding, they'll typically stop and get something to eat or drink when they feel the need to. The fact that you just weren't pounding the fluids down when you got home argues against dehydration itself, let alone the story.

I'm not trying to be a jerkoff and interject some annoying, professional opinion. It's just that when people have near-syncope (passing out) 3 times in a row, no doubtedly associated with progressive lowering of blood pressure AFTER home, AFTER doesn't add up.

Why don't you pm me your labs, or fax them to me @ 620 271 3133


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Holy crap BEEF!!!!!!! You scared me !!!!! To heck with the 1st place, 2nd place stuff, we all want to see the pics of your gross hematoma.

Heal up soon!!


Big Pig
Nov 20, 2000
lost in the deserts of NM
I think that's Murphy's law sub # 14.
If it's gonna happen it'll happen on that "one last lap for the road".
Hope ya get to feeling better soon!

Although, if ya have a X-Box or PS2, this might be a good time to get MXUnleashed and put in some......uh.....less risky practice laps.


Sponsoring Member
Jan 24, 2002
Thanks guys, I am feeling alot better today, I had the consult with my ortho today, and the surgery will be the second week of June, prescribed a new brace for walking around (gonna keep my cells for riding) so maybe back on a bike by next weekend. I actually took the dog out to the desert today and jogged a little :thumb: . Neph I will try to get a copy of the labs, they ususally mail me stuff like that but the records place is near school so I'll go get em. I'll also ask my wife if she remembers what they said (she's an EMT and was alot more lucid that night) Ill try to get a couple of pics for you guys might have to ask my wife tomorrow night ( now that's a sexy anniversary idea :laugh: ) Thanks for not making me fel as dumb as i did, no more riding alone near dark for me ( and jeffd I wil try to listen to the non-homicidal little voice in my head next time


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
Beef, glad you're OK--again, my response was just kind of a reflex. I didn't want to interfere, I'm just concerned.


Sponsoring Member
Jan 24, 2002
Neph, I appreciate your concern definitely not a prob, my HMO is a little stingy withe records ( malpractice issues? ) I know that they took blood for five or six tests but dunno what they were, workin on it, thanks.
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