choosing a racing bike YZ 85 or RM 100?


Jul 19, 2003
i have decided to start racing at my local raceway and have found that i can race 100's in the 85cc SR. class. I was just wondering which was the faster all around racing bike, the YZ 85 or the RM 100, because I'm really not sure I have heard good things from both? Any help would be really appreciated, such as which is faster, has better handling, and has better suspension



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Apr 9, 2002
I think this choice would mainly come down to your riding style and ability, as well as your size. The RM/KX100 will be slightly taller due to the larger wheelsize so if the 85's are a tad short this may help. The YZ85 is an all top end motor, if your an aggressive rider who can keep it pinned and in the powerband these bikes rip. If your a little less aggressive and would like some low end to help make up for a lesser skill level coming out of corners I would consider the KX/RM100.
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