
Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
What Christmas traditions do you and your family due?

I know its kind of corny, but every Christmas eve we watch Christmas Vacation. I still laugh my butt off every time I see that movie. "Dad, how did you make it through all those Christmases?" "Son, I had a lot of help from Jack Daniels!" :eek:


Jan 6, 2001
Mine is to sit around and listen to a bunch of the same old BS that my sisters talk about that doesn't interest me in the least bit.


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
I bake pastry for Christmas morning breakfast.

the menu
Eggs, bacon, apricot nectar, and of course, pastry.

My mom's been doing it for as long as I remember.
So, when I moved out I decided to carry on the tradition.
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Jun 5, 2001
This may sound weird but I set up a Christmas tree, decorate it, light it, then spend the next year paying off the debt I just incurred over the shopping sprees I performed. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but that's my tradition!!
Merry Xmas


Feb 4, 2001
As a kid the whole family and friends of the family would get together for a large Christmas Eve night of singing Christmas songs, a vast dinner, and we would watch the old family Christmas passion plays on 8mm film. I have 12 aunts and uncles on my Dads side and they all have children, so you can imagine how big it was. In 1986 my Grandfather passed away and the tradition ended, as he was the glue that had kept the family so close and the family ranch house that has been in my family since the 1890's was sold. I have been a little melancholy about Christmas ever since.

I now celebrate Festivus, for the rest of us. During the last few weeks in December is when Festivus takes place. Family and friends get together at the dinner table and have "the Airing of Grievances". During this time, we share with family and friends all the ways they had disappointed over the past year. After the Airing of Grievances, we get together the same night to perform the "Feats of Strength". This is where the head of the household tests his/her strength with another friend or family member. The great honor is given out to a different person each year. Festivus is not over until the Feats of Strength have been completed. No, I do not have a tree; I have a pole, no decorations. Tinsel is very distracting so there are no decorations. The pole is tall, silver, hollow, long, skinny, and heavy. The tree serves no real purpose, but it can be incorporated into the Feats of Strength celebration. :confused:

Actually, I celebrate Christmas Eve at my friend Sandra’s house with her family and then Sandra and I go to Mo’s Liquors and see what we can find in the way of gifts then we go to midnight mass. On Christmas day I spend the day at my Godparents house with friends and family. Last year I bought a gas powered fryer and cooked pheasants and turkey. I did not hunt pheasants this year, so it will be a turkey and spiral ham. We then watch the Christmas Story about Ralphy and his dreams of a Red Rider BB gun.


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Watching Christmas Vacation is a Tradition at our home.,

"Oh that's just the dog hack'in on a bone"


Oct 6, 2001
I love Christmas! Are X-Mas tradition is everyone in or Family comes to our house around 3:00 X-Mas eve and they stay the night (last year we had 22 now we have like 25 because of new kids being born and all). They put the presents they brought under the tree, which is a lot and by the time everyone is there the room the tree is in is completly covered in presents! Really! We eat dinner and then just hang out for about an hour. Then my cousin Amy and Jamie always do some kind of performance in music or acting. Then we open 2 presents, and Then we hang out and play board games until we go to bed(usually about 9:00). Then when we wake up our stocking our full right next to where we were sleeping (I think santa is getting old though, last year he fell down the stairs and dropped all the stockings:think , my dad must have had an accident too because his back hurt in the morning. heh). We open all the presents in our stocking and then my Grandma and Grandpa make waffles and everyone has to eat at least one before we can open any presents (I hate that part sometimes:eek: ). Then we all gather around the tree. My Uncle and dad pass out presents (that takes a while). Then they say go and we all start opening! Christmas is really great around are place. It's not just the presents (All thought that is a plus). It is really cool to see everyone because we only see each other about 2 times a year. Anyway that is our X-mas Tradition. I hope it last for a long time.

PS - only thing missing is a morning Dirt Bike ride:confused:
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Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Originally posted by JPIVEY
Watching Christmas Vacation is a Tradition at our home.,

"Oh that's just the dog hack'in on a bone"

LOL! I'm glad to see I"m not the only one to have a dysfunctional tradition!

Sounds like you have a close family. A Christmas Story is another great Chrstmas movie we watch also. Poor Ralphy, all he wants is that Red Ryder BB gun.

Bacon, Eggs and toast makes for a quick Christmas breakfast in my house. The kids can't wait much longer. Some times you have to skip the bacon!

Sounds like your family has a great traditional Christmas! :D

You can go to the story anytime and pig out on Cheese Puffs! At least make it special and get some Spam. ;)

Merry Christmas all!


Feb 7, 2000
Power (panic) shopping with my brother on Christmas eve day.
Getting home, wrapping the treasures I have acquired.
Pouring a short Glenlivet on the rocks.
Killing the TV and listening to Christmas music (classic!!)
Sitting in front of the fire.
Peekin' out the back door, tryin' to catch a glimpse of Santa.....

Remembering when my kids still believed in the magic (sigh).


Mar 27, 2001
OMG, Christmas Vacation is a tradition at our home as well. We finally quit renting it a couple years ago and bought our own.

Another corny tradition we have is to break out our Elvis Christmas CD. (Yeah, yeah, beep, beep, honk, honk--go ahead and yuk it up while you can :))


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Originally posted by gospeedracer
Not Cheese Puffs! Cheese Puff, it's a yummy souffle my Mother always makes at Christmas. :)

Ok, I'm going to get my eyes checked tomorrow! Sounds like a yummy treat, especially when Mom makes it. :) My mother in law always makes cappellettis for Christmas dinner. Its a fine Italian recipe that has been handed down from generation to generation. Man, I'm getting hungry just writing about them!

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
just all the usual except....

now we take a after present time ride. at least make a lap around the back yard. last year we had 14" of snow was very tough on the bikes. ;)
contrary to popular belief "Festivus" is the two weeks before christmas! :debil:


May 8, 2001

does "christmas vacation" have you waxing nostalgia? it does me. seeing those red bags of ol roy dogfood and the red trimmed stackbase signs. man has it been that long. i got my 20 in (unofficial) for the big box or as we like to call it.............wally world. like sam said he is gone but not forgotten.:)


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by Sawblade

My mother in law always makes cappellettis for Christmas dinner. Its a fine Italian recipe that has been handed down from generation to generation.

sawblade, i must have missed my invite. make sure it gets here on time next year.:ugg:


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Yes it does! I will have 19 "years in" next March. Can't believe its been that long either. I threw many a bag of Ol Roy dog food in the ole red bag myself. Remember when we didn't have scanning registers? Man, it has been along time!

Had the cappellettis over the weekend. A little early this year. :) I'll tell the mother in law to plan on some extended family for next year!

We have already watched Christmas Vacation, and A Christmas Story twice on TNT!

Merry Christmas to all the Heartland Spodes, and the my other brothers and sisters of DRN!


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Originally posted by Sawblade
Bacon, Eggs and toast makes for a quick Christmas breakfast in my house. The kids can't wait much longer. Some times you have to skip the bacon!

LOL - They take about 5 hours to make.

If I made everyone wait untill I finished on Christmas morning I'd get hung!.

I bake them half way before Christmas, wrap them in aluminum foil, and into the freezer they go. Then, on Christmas morning I pop them into the oven for 10 minutes while the bacons cooking.
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