
Feb 1, 2001
Looking for advice on some circuit training. What I've been doing so far is hitting the bench, doing 10 - 12 reps then going straight over and doing tricep pulls downs 10 - 12 reps, then going straight to bicep curls and doing 10 - 12 reps. I take a 60 - 90 second break and then start the next circuit. I do this every other day with cardio mixed in on the off days. I wanted to see if anyone else did circuit traing and what variations I could do to help get stronger for next season...


Sep 29, 1999
I think circuit training is very good for someone who doesn't have time to devote to a seperate weight lifting and cardio program.

I like to mix up the big muscle groups together and take it down to the smaller ones. For example, when I do a circuit, I'll set it up to hit muscle grouple like chest, back, and legs first. Then I'll hit smaller stuff like biceps, triceps, shoulders, and calves.

Something you want to avoid is hitting two muscle groups in a row that are directly involved with each other. For example, when you do any pressing for the chest, your triceps come into play. Now, if you hit the triceps immediately after benching, you will not be able to devote maximum effort due to them being pre-fatigued. You would be better served to hit chest, then biceps, then triceps. This would allow a short "recovery period" for your triceps.

My recommended circuit woudl be as follows: chest, back, shoulders, ****s, triceps, biceps, and hamstrings. I'm not sure what kind of set up you have, or if this is even feasible for you, so a better idea might be to use super-sets (push-pull) with minimal rest. You could do chest and back together, then move on to biceps-triceps, then finish off the day with ****s-hamstrings.

The rep range you're using looks good, but I wouldn't be afraid to bump it up a bit, and use the 12-15 rep range.



Jan 6, 2001
I did circuit training last year it's great. I've got the MT Motorsports Training book and they recomend 20 reps with circuit training. I would try to get some bent rowing in your regime also Squats. 3 times threw your regime with a 90 sec. rest period between each circuit.


Jan 6, 2001
Here's the website

I like the concept, which put very simply is a 3 phase program

Phase 1 is done in the off season and consists of strength traning and Cardio.

Phase 2 is for pre season and puts emphesis on speed training, interval weight training, and cardio.

Phase 3 is in season and deals more with circuit weight training, and cardio.

He's big on using a rowing machine for the cardio part

Just like anything else it will work for you if you stick to it.
Check your PM
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