Cleared for Take Off!

Apr 30, 2007
Not sure why the second pic isn't working right...I triple checked the tags...

Healing is going so-so. I think I'm more frustrated this time around because it hurts a lot more to do things like driving. (Especially driving tractor - a lot more turning the wheel involved, even when it is completely power-steered) There is also more day to day when just sitting around or sleeping.

I'm out of the sling and brace, and have about 90% movement going on. Since giving those up, people think I'm "all better" and give a friendly shoulder-bump or two in the hall which is not so good...

Things have rather gone past my patience, and now I sit and complain that I am soooooo tired of being broken!!!! Bleargh! Still about 5 months orders of sitting time...which means very little snowboarding, no sparrring in TKD, and no snowmobiles either...


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
Re: Pain....If you could restrain yourself from "training"- maybe it is time to hit a pool for a bit?

**(Realize you've got the bad swimmers shoulders....However, there is still something really therapeutic about water....if you can put a different mindset on.) Good luck healing. Chin up.
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