CLORV, Desert Issues and the BLM...Important


Mar 20, 2001
CLORV (Calif. League of Off Road Voters) is an organization supported by Calif. Off Road Vehicle Association, San Diego Off Road Coalition, and other groups. CLORV is a lobbying body in Sacramento fighting for our off road rights !! Another reason to support these organizations, THEY NEED MONEY for all these fights and attorneys and lobbyists !!!!! WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE, they just need more and more support...please spread the word !!

CLORV website.....

June 14, 2001
For Immediate Release
Contact: Pete Conaty


SACRAMENTO – This week 54 legislators of both parties signed a letter to Mike Pool, the California State Director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) regarding their concerns that motorized recreation opportunities were dwindling significantly within the California Desert District.

Regarding the decrease in off road recreation, the letter stated, “We understand that no measures are included in any [of these] plans to protect recreation opportunities. We are particularly concerned that recreation opportunities, especially motorized recreation opportunities, are being reduced significantly within the California Desert District.”

The bipartisan letter called upon the BLM to “take a balanced approach to managing lands under your jurisdiction.”
Assemblyman Dennis Hollingsworth, Republican from the 66th Assembly District in Riverside and San Diego counties, authored the letter.

Hollingsworth authored the letter at the request of Pete Conaty, Lobbyist and Executive Director of the California League of Off Road Voters (CLORV), and Roy Denner, President of Off Road Business Association (ORBA).

The BLM has been under intense pressure by environmental extremists to restrict and limit off road activities on BLM land.
“These extremists sued the BLM and the BLM has caved in to their demands,” said Conaty. “This letter was designed to show the BLM that there is tremendous support in the state legislature for responsible motorized recreation in California.”

When the environmental groups first filed the desert lawsuit, the BLM reacted by signing an agreement to close the Glamis Sand Dunes. However, recently groups of California off road organizations have sued BLM to reopen Glamis, claiming that the BLM did not file the required Environmental Impact Survey before shutting down the dunes.

“We are just looking for a balanced approach by the BLM,” stated Denner. “We too are environmentalists, however we do not accept the environmental extremist contention that off road recreation automatically damages the land.

“We could have gotten more signatures,” stated Conaty, “But we ran out of time. We needed the letter prior to the Desert Advisory Council (DAC) meeting in Ridgecrest on June 16th.
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