Clutch Lever Adjustment.


May 16, 2002
My clutch on my KDX220 only fully engages when I have it pulled back so it touches my grip; which leaves no room for my fingers. How can I adjust it so that It fully engages without pulling it so far? I havent adjusted it for cable stretch so that might be it, but I dont know how. If adjusting the cable isnt it will I have to bend the lever or is there a mechanical way to adjust it?


Aug 20, 2002
This is basic adjustment 101. I'm not positive, but almost, that you have an adjuster on the clutch lever. There should be a threaded inner piece (adjuster)and a larger diameter ring (lock). From the saddle turn the top of the locking ring toward you to unlock the adjuster. Then turn the top of the adjuster toward you to tighten the cable. When you have it adjusted right, turn the locking ring to keep it set in that position untill the next time you have to adjust it. Also read your manual or get a Clymer book from the library. There are a hundred things like this that you should be able to do in your sleep. Do not bend your lever.

There is a slim chance that you are out of adjustment at the clutch lever. In this case, you can do similar adjustment down where the clutch is actuated on the engine. Don't be afraid of this stuff. get to know your wrenches. They are your friends and your KDX will love you for it.

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