Clutch Pull


Jul 31, 2003
What is the correct/better way to pull my clutch? Keep 1 or 2 fingers on at all times and pull the clutch to my fingers that are on the grip? OR take all my fingers off the grip and pull the clutch with all fingers? If I do use the 2 finger method... is it ok to shift gears with the clutch pulled in only to were my fingers are?


May 20, 2001
Use only 1 or 2 fingers and keep them always on the lever. Adjust your lever so that it just touches your fingers at full disengagement (move the perch right and put proper slack (not too much) on the cable). As long as you can bang the gears home, you can shift with the lever pulled to wherever or not at all.


When I first started riding, all of 3-1/2 years ago, I would do the four fingers thing. I noticed it was taking some concentration for me to be able to remove all four fingers and reach for the clutch, then let go and get back on the grip. Then I started using just my first two fingers while practicing starts and it started to carry over into my riding all the time. I find that using two fingers has become instinct almost. I don't have to think about it, it's just always there. When I want to fan the clutch in a corner, it's right there.

If properly adjusted, you should be able to pull the lever in against your 3rd and 4th fingers, which are still on the grip, and not have the bike stall when standing still. Both my big bikes work that way, and the 426 even has the clutch arm lengthened for easier pull (which effectively reduces the amount of pull you get on the clutch). Use your quick adjust and set it so there is just the slightest detectable amount of free play in the lever, then give it a shot. Warm the bike up a little, then pull it in with two fingers and see how it feels. As for shifting with the lever pulled in on top of your other two fingers, yes, it is fine. If the clutch is adjusted correctly, it will be fully disengaged at this point.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
I use 2 fingers on the clutch but only when I need to in turns, hills, etc. The rest of the time I use my whole hand to hang on. I also slide the clutch perch toward the right so my 2 fingers have the most leverage on the lever.
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