Colorado Vacation 2002.


Feb 20, 2001
The wife said she'd like to go to Colorado next year for vacation.Anybody have any suggestions on where to go in the eastern part of the rockies? Looking for a nice campground. She said I can take the bike so need someplace to ride a couple of days. And what is the weather like this time of the year?
Thanks Dennis

Bill Hibbs

Aug 25, 1999
DRZTim Has been out there a couple times for a riding vacation. Lenny at Classic Cycles usually heads up the trip. They're the ones you need to talk to.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
Tell me what your primary activity will be and what you want in a camp ground and I can certainly help.

Actually one of the best places is just south west of Denver. Its called Rampart Range. Awesome place to ride. There are camp sites....but they are CAMP sites.

My family loves to go north as I posted here before. There is a place in Wyoming west of Laramie by about fourty miles. AWESOME place to camp and ride. On the map follow 230 west from Laramie to WyColo. Just before 230 crosses back into Colorado. Its in the Medicine Bow National Forest. You would NOT be dissapointed if camping is the goal allong with riding. Let me know more and I might be able to help.:)


Feb 20, 2001
I guess I should say someplace to park the motel on wheels:D. Someplace with water and elect. Getting kinda spoiled. Looking for some place I can ride a couple of days, do some fishing in the morning and evening. From a little serching I've done we'll prolly end up at a private campground. Guess I am looking for an area to start serching.
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