Comeing to the U.S.A! need help!


Jan 20, 2007
Hello, i might come to the U.S.A all the way from Israel for about 2-3 mounths.
My main goals are to do some Hikes and Ride on Dirtbike.
what i need to do in order to get a liscence in U.S.A.
in Israel i dont have a lisence. im 23 it's not that i can't do it here just didnt.
also whats the prices of used 250f's (05+?) and how fast i can get rid of it?
to get into Tracks i need to have a lisence? or i can just come with my bike pay the money and no questions asks?
last question, L.A is a good place to be if my intrests are Dirtbikes? (i got familey there)

Thanks for the help!


Jan 27, 2000


Welcome to America. :cool:
To get a license you will need to pass a written test and then pass a drivers test. It may be easier and save some time to get your license in Israel then, you should be able to drive with it here for a few months.

Lots of good used 250f's for sale at around $ 3,500 up. Getting rid of it may be a problem since there are so many for sale.

Some tracks have membership licenses that you have to buy and some don't. Depends on the track.

LA is a very big place. Where in LA does your family live? The central city is not a good place to live but there are many surrounding cities that are considered to be LA but are actually only in LA county. The closest tracks to LA city are LACR, Los Angeles County Raceway and Hungry Valley near Gorman. But, neither are very close to the city.

Many good tracks in the area but most of them are in Riverside county about an hour or two South of LA. There you will find Glen Helen, Perris, Elsinore, Star West, Chuilla, and a few others.

Great hiking in the Santa Monica mountains, San Berdo mountains and if you want to travel a little bit up the California coast to Big Sur, the hiking and sight seeing is fantastic. :nod: If you can, take the time to travel up Highway 1 to at least Monterey.

Have fun.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Here is a list of some areas to trail ride in California. There is a link to a map at the top of the page.

If you are interested in trail riding as well as track, you need to be aware of the 'red sticker' issue. Basically, many newer race bikes are prevented from riding some of the trails during summer due to air quality reasons. It's a bunch of BS, but nevertheless, it is there. Most bikes older than 2002 will have 'green stickers' allowing better trail access. Red sticker closure dates vary by location. Some remote areas are not restricted. You will need a spark arrestor for any trails on public lands.

Besides tracks, there are many great riding areas in California. Hiking, too. If you want to enjoy both at the same location, you can check out the Kern Plateau/Kennedy Meadows area of the Sequoia National Forest. Some trails will be above 9,000 feet elevation, so you would want to go leaner on your jetting. It's a great riding and hiking area, with trout fishing, etc... I'm guessing about a 4 hour drive from LA, so it's too far for a day trip.

The coast drive up Hwy 1 is fabulous, and you could spend days doing that, but there is not much in the way of legal dirt riding along that route.

Another 'must see' if you are coming to California is Yosemite National Park. It gets crowded in summer but is one of the world's most scenic places, IMO. Many great hikes out that way. Some legal riding nearby at Miami Flat and a few other forest areas.

If you want to see more great areas than just the tracks and you can tolerate a slower riding pace, you might consider a street legal dual sport bike.


Apr 4, 2008
R.P.M said:
what i need to do in order to get a liscence in U.S.A.
in Israel i dont have a lisence. im 23 it's not that i can't do it here just didnt.

In most cases you can acquire an International license in your country before traveling abroad. Different states have different laws regarding this, but usually you can have a "license translation" and you won't need to take a written or driving test. This license will only be valid for as long as you are authorized to stay in the U.S.

You need to consult this with your local authorities BEFORE traveling, and you will need your Israeli license FIRST.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
He only needs it if he wants to be LEGAL, there are lots and lots of folks driving around Texas and Cali without a license.... or SS#..... or green card.... :)


Jan 20, 2007
my familey is in santa monica. i actully dont really know where it is compered to the center of the city.
someone told me that i dont need a license to ride offroad...correct? or it depend on the state?
anyway, i will read all the advises in more detail way later i must go now!
Thanks ALOT. i already feel welcomed.


Apr 18, 2006
A license for you is not needed to ride off road.

California is different from most of the other states in that it requires a dirt bike to be licensed to ride on public land. If you ride at a private track no bike license is needed. You should probably read this regarding the California "Green Sticker" (license)

If you are going to be here in the summer months then you should definately get a "Green Sticker" instead of a "Red" sticker bike.

If you are only going to be here for a few months it will need to be a quick purchase. If your family is willing to help out they can handle selling it when you are done.

The best way to buy a used bike is from the website "Craigslist".

You should be able to access that website now and start looking at the prices of bikes. I highly recommend buying a bike that has the proper "Green Sticker" and preferably a "Spark Arrestor". If you have those two items you won't be limited in where you can ride. You might be able to find a deal where someone is selling all the riding gear along with the bike. You MUST have a helmet and I highly recommend boots, gloves, goggles and a chest protector.

Santa Monica is on the shore just west of Los Angeles. The entire area is like one giant city, however, where dozens of cities have all grown together. I consider the traffic in Santa Monica to be the worst in the state.

You will need to transport your dirt bike to a suitable riding area so you will need either a truck or a vehicle with a trailer hitch and a small trailer. The logistics of getting a suitable vehicle might prove difficult for such a short stay, unless your family already has one that you can use.

If you are going to visit soon (June through August) you will be in our summer period, which means it can be fairly hot. Riding local tracks will be fine or the mountain areas that allow off highway vehicles. If your visit won't be until September through May then the desert would be a great place for you to ride (it is way too hot during the summer). From Santa Monica the desert is a few hours drive but then you will be in an area where you can ride all day and not cross your path. If you ride in such a place, however, be sure that you do NOT ride alone!

As for your question of if Los Angeles is a good place for a dirt bike interest:

Yes, it is. Other than some private tracks there aren't many riding areas close by but there are some great riding areas a few hour drive away. It is much better to live close to where there are good jobs and then drive to where you want to play.

Rod McInnis

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Santa Monica is on the beach, at the northwest part of LA.

I think the Lake Piru track is the closest. If you have a map, it is off of Hwy 126, between Interstate 5 and the coast.

The Gorman/Hungry Valley State Vehicle Recreation Area area is not much further. It is on Interstate 5, at the very north end of Los Angeles County. Hungry Valley aka Gorman has some trails and an MX track (seperate admission for the MX track), and also accesses single track trails in the Los Padres National Forest. It's very popular for LA based riders, and is probably less than 1 hour drive from Santa Monica. Elevation starts at about 4,000'.

As far as I know, you do not need a driver's license to ride off road on any public lands. If you are riding on private property such as a track, the track owner can set their own requirements. If you are under 18 you may need a parent's or guardian's written permission.

Not sure what months you will be here, but summer riding can be hot and dusty at most California locations. Riding conditions are usually best in the fall and early spring, when temps are cooler and there might be some moisture on the ground. Winter can also be good to great, depending on the weather.

ETA: I see Rod did a great job and covered lots of the same points just a few mintues before me.


Aug 22, 2004
Patman said:
He only needs it if he wants to be LEGAL, there are lots and lots of folks driving around Texas and Cali without a license.... or SS#..... or green card.... :)

That goes for Mississippi too but it seems the green cards are the largest issue. :yikes:
Dec 8, 2007
Just get an Isreali ID and use it as a DL if you get pulled over. The cop probably wont be able to read hebrew anyway and theres no way that your name will be in any of our computer databases, if you do something really bad though (while driving) they'll probably research it. If your going to rent a car or get vehicle insurance you'll need a DL though.
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