Coming back after 16yrs...Which Bike???


Feb 13, 2007
Hey guys & gals...

I'm getting back into riding after not riding since I was 10 yrs old, which is almost 16yrs. Things have changed so much since then.

1) Physical Size: 6'2", 250lbs
2) How physical/aggressive are you?
I'm a big agressive guy.

3) What do you plan to ride?
Trails, fields & dirt roads until I get comfortable again, then back into MX

4) Do you have any riding experience?
Some, but as I said above, I'm 16yrs removed from it and things have changed an awful lot.

5) Do you think you will race?
Maybe, not right away though.

6) Are you mechanically inclined and will you be doing your own bike work?
Not extremely mechanically inclined, but I'm a fast learner.

7) Do you have a preference to brand/motor choice?
I've always liked Kawasaki, but I'm open to pretty much anything. I'm leaning towards a 4 stroke though.

8) Do you have a dealer close by your home that you might use and what brand(s) does he carry?
You name it, I can find it within a 45min drive

9) How much do you plan to spend on a bike?
$5000 Cdn is the top limit, although I may just bite the bullet and buy new...that I still haven't decided yet.
10) Do you live in California?
Nope, Abbotsford, British Columbia

11) Anything else that you think would help form an opinion:
Not that I can think of... although I have a co-worker who is quite into riding that tells me that I should look towards a 250 4 stroke as I have been out of things for so long, says a 250 2 stroke may be to much for me and too steep of a re-learning curve..

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


Mar 12, 2007
Sounds like one of the open class KTMs would suite you well, though I do not know what price range they are in...maybe a 525?

I'm around your weight in all my gear and I still ride a 250 2stroke (with the suspension modified with heavier springs for my fat butt, of course)
Jan 3, 2007
For what you ride i would say a more trail orented would be better. The KTMs have great trail bikes and great suspesion. But the price tag is quite much. The KTM 200XC is the cheapest of the full sized trail bikes. If you need a cheaper but equaly fun to ride bike i would look at the DRZ400E, or KLX300 if you dont do as much MX as you do woods then these would offer good performance. The KDX200 or 220 is also a good trail bike and has decent suspension. Plus the KDX is so stinken cheap you could buy it and then another bike down the road if you need more. But i have ridden where you live and i find the trails to be much more fun then your tracks. Good luck!

450R Pilot

Mar 21, 2007
You might want to look at the Kawasaki KLX250. I bought two new ones last spring and they are great bikes. I had not ridden in 25 years. It was a great bike to get back into offroad rides. I am trading in mine this year but my wife is keeping hers. You may want to check out kawasakiforums com for some more info.

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