Considering selling my KDX


Jul 7, 2000
Well, I hate to do it but I might have to sell my '96 KDX 200. :( I recently picked up a used '01 Yamaha WR250F for a price I just couldn't pass up. Its a wonderful bike, but now I've got to make the decision on keeping the KDX. What really sucks is that I had just ordered a base valve from MX-Tech the day before I found out about the WRF. Anyway, what do you think a '96 KDX with a fresh top-end, revalved forks, bark busters etc. is worth?


Jun 7, 1999
A couple of thoughts.....

First, the base valves will not get you a full return on sale price of your bike. But, you probably can return the base valves, or exchange them for some credit of some sort, such as suspension service for the WR250, etc. I don't know your riding needs, but if I had a WRF, I WOULD be thinking suspension work, IF I was to keep it.

Second, don't rush the KDX to the auction block just too quickly. You may not be 100% sold on the WRF. I rode one which had all the YZ mods, and it is TOTALLY different than a two stroker. I previously owned a well tuned 220, and I would probably choose the 220 over the WRF. But, remember, I'm one of those guys who enjoys the hit of a two stroke which is trying to toss me off. :cool:

Good luck with it. :)


Jul 7, 2000
MN KDXer, I would be curious as to what suspension problems you noticed on the WR. Personally, (after just 3 rides) I see that the WR handles way better than the KDX. However, the only modifications I've done so far to the suspension on the KDX was to fit appropriate springs and change oil. What impresses me the most about the WR is the way it turns in the tight stuff. I haven't ridden the two back to back to say for sure that I'm going faster, but it sure feels like it. Now don't take this to mean that I'm bashing the KDX, its a great motorcycle and if the deal hadn't come up on the WR I'd still be riding/racing it. Actually when I bought the WR I was considering trying it and if I didn't like it to sell it and make a few bucks. One ride and I was sold.


Jun 7, 1999
Swamper- I thought the WR250 was much too soggey in the deep whoops stuff, but yet it was also stiff + choppey on small sharp stuff. It could be improved on both accounts, IMO. I could shove it right through the travel and make it wallow, whereas my KDX would've soaked it up and asked to go faster. (I'm going of memory, the KDX has been gone since last fall) The other grumble was that the WR doesn't have a power burst to lift the front wheel when needed. If needed, I could easily pull 4th gear wheelies with either the 200 or the 220. (the RM250 needs to be carefully monitored to NOT pull 4th & 5th gear wheelies)

For the handling part, I thought the WR was a bit top heavy (plus TALL) and it seemed to want to get away from me in those awkward moments.

One thing also about the KDX, is that the cornering will get much better once the fork has a valve kit. The valve kit helps stop that awkward feeling of the front end kniving under. Note that even with the valve kit, a KDX will still feel awkward if you REALLY stuff it into a corner, and that's why I moved on to something else.

I dunno, maybe I was trying to ride the WR like a two stroke motocrosser. When I get into trouble, I like to grab the clutch and bust into the powerband, and the WR didn't have that rip-snort burst.

Bottom line, though, is that if you like the WR better, hang on to it. We all have different riding styles & abilities, plus riding different terrains, so naturally our preferences will be different.
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