Cool new stuff!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Just got my Fox women’s riding gear in today. It looks great. Seems to fit on the large size, though—all you petite gals might have trouble finding your sizes. But it looks very good.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Model motocrosser, ha ha. I could kill Don for that. :silly:

Coming soon . . . I can post pictures of the Fox, MSR, MC Gear, and Vixen women's stuff within the next few days if I can get my roommate to take them without laughing too much. Maybe I'll get her to pose instead, she's way prettier.


Sponsoring Member
Apr 18, 2000
Foxie Gear

Have you tried the pants on over knee braces yet? I have the Asterisks now and they aren't as bulky as the EVS but still require a little extra room. Liz


Jul 12, 2001
cool. I wanna see it too....not that I'll ever be able to afford it :)
but it's still nice to know it's out there!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000


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Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000


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CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
I like the blue and yellow color scheme. Very snazzy.
(FC22- Is that you? Did you cut your hair?)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
The blue and yellow is very pretty. I like it a lot. Unfortunately, it doesn't fit me all that well, having a stick figure with 0 curves. I am wearing the 5/6, smallest size they make, and at 5'7" and 135 I'm hardly petite! They need to make smaller sizes! The MSR fits a little better, and I think I liked the MC Gear fit the best. The Vixen was the most comfortable--that liner is very nice.

CJ--Yes, that's me. I did cut my hair. I might even cut it shorter again. I love it short.


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Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Oh, forgot to mention, all pants did fit over both Asterisk and EVS braces. The Vixen were a bit tight, but that's partly because they shrunk in the wash (No, I didn't dry them).



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AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
(I was referring to the gear, though the model ain't bad lookin' either)

I just wish they made it in size 4T for a l'il Buttercup I know who digs her daddy's mo'sickle! :)


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Alright I figure I'll get beat about the ears for this but......

Fox gear is very flattering.
MSR gear is a very close second.
MC I guess as long as it fits.
Vixen gear looks like those footie jammies or a super hero spandex suit, just needs a big "S" or something.

Man I wish I hadn't forgot my helemt.:confused:


Aug 13, 1999
Originally posted by Patman
Man I wish I hadn't forgot my helemt.:confused:

What's a helemt? Is that when you fill the space between the hard stuff that goes into a helmet with helium? :p

Okay, as far as my opinion:

Firecracker, I like the hair!

Gear wise:

Fox - it's okay but too much yellow. I have nothing against yellow but it is rarely a flattering color on most people when in close proximity to the face. Also, what's up with the highlight of the crotch? Obviously designed by MEN!

It looks too "girly" to me but mainly because of all the curvey yellow.

If FC22 is swimming in the smallest size then they definitely need to do a bit more research into women's sizing.

MSR - I like it. Not just the color but the design looks more athletic or cleaner and less cluttered although the jersey has a bit too much going on when you get to the shoulders & arms. The pants remind me of my old Rage pants, clean, uncluttered.

MC - jersey looks like a long sleeve t shirt from Walmart Clearance rack. Pants, the black triangles on the shiny blue make even little FC look hippy. Would hate to see what they do to someone that actually is! Looking at it again, that could be because the jersey is loosly hanging over the waistband quite a bit, obscuring her waist which makes the outfit look boxy?

Vixen - I don't like the tightfit look of the jersey or the spiderman type design. The pants look okay but a bit tight - could just be the sizing. The outfit just looks too feminine for my tastes. I'm a Levi's and casual shirt type though so when I'm riding, I dress for riding and not to let everyone know that I'm female. If I dress up to look feminine, he better be taking me to someplace well worth it.

Men's gear fits me fine though. Like I said before, I don't care if the industry takes women riding seriously or not cause I'm gonna ride just the same anyways!!!
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Professional Mud Tester
Aug 30, 2001

Didn't know when I ordered my graphics and kicker yesterday that I was talking to a bonafide moto-model! Shoulda asked fer yer autee- graaph!:p

Cool pics...


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
The Fox gear needs to come in something other than blue and yellow. I guess beggars can't be choosers, though. We've been griping about getting our own gear for long enough, and when we do get it, it's the wrong color!

The MSR gear looks pretty decent. O'Neal also makes some women's gear that looks pretty nice. More muted colors than the Fox.

I commend the MC Gear for tackling a tough market, but the style just doesn't seem to be there. The jersey doesn't really match the pants.

I like the look of the Vixen gear. At least the jersey wouldn't bag up around the elbows and come all the way down to my knees, like my medium sized Answer jersey does. Funny, I buy the same size now that I bought 5 years ago, and mediums used to fit nicely. Now the mediums are more like XL! "Oversize fit" is one thing, but they've gone too far.
Maybe the Vixen gear would look less like footie-pajamas in a more muted color.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
OK, here’s a little better pic of the MC Gear. The jerseys run really large so it’s huge on me. I look like I have a guy-gut because I had it un-tucked too much in the first pic. I have a stupid look on my face in this one, but it’s a better pic of the gear.

The MC Gear was very short waisted, which suits my curve-less figure but someone who is shaped more like a female might not appreciate it.

In the Fox, Vixen and MSR, I am wearing the smallest size available. In the MC Gear, I am wearing the second smallest. So far, the MC Gear and MSR win the best fitting prize, but the curvy yellow on the Fox makes it the most eye catching. The Vixen is the most comfortable with a really soft liner that you wouldn’t need to wear shorts underneath.


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AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by bbbom
. . . Hey FC22, that stupid look is called a model pose!
I thought the model pose was when you looked half asleep and strung out on heroin . . . ;)

I've looked at all this stuff in the catalogs, and I think it's cool. I'll have someone wearing it in a few (okay, several) years. I bet all the mfrs. are going with just one color so far to test the waters. They don't want a bunch of stuff that no one will buy.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Quit with the model stuff! I'm no model! Anyone who's gone riding with me knows that.


Professional Mud Tester
Aug 30, 2001
Me either!

I'm no runway model...
No model dirtbiker...
And definitely not a model citizen;) :p

But watch out! Okie might have you modeling DRN gear next:)

FC did you get my email I sent about the swingarm stickers?


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
I got the Fox stuff a few months back, too. I got the 7/8 pants because they were the smallest in stock at DGY - but I agree - they are a pretty roomy. I went with the medium jersey. Just for anyone interested in size references - I am 5'6", 120 lbs., and usually wear a 8 in pants (some 6's). I have found the Fox gear VERY comfortable and stylish too. But (unlike Bbboom) I have a thing for having yellow in every set of gear that I have owned. I think it has something to do with riding an RM a few years back - yellow grew on me! :confused:

Thanks for modeling all of the different women's gear for us - FC22! It's nice to see someone WEARING the stuff rather than a drawing or snapshot in a magazine.
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