could use some help


Dec 29, 2007
Try to include the following info in your first post
1) your physical size (both height and weight are important)
5'6, about 135-140
2) How physical / aggressive are you ?
pretty aggressive
3) what do you plan to ride- MX/SX tracks, woods, fields with
friends or ?????
thats the thing i will mainly ride mx but i will also like to ride some trails and like hare scrambles
4) Do you have any riding experience?
a litlle used to ride a tt-r 125
5) Do you think you will race ?
i hope to yes
6) Are you mechanically inclined and will you be doing your own
bike work?
i plan on doing basic maintance but thats about it
7) Do YOU have a preferance to a brand/ motor choice (2 or 4
not really just wana get out and ride again
8) Do you have a dealer close by your home that you might use
and what brand(s) does he carry?
i have a few theres a honda and then like a place that has like every type of bike you could imagine
9) How much ($) do you plan to spend on a bike?
up to 6,000
10) Do you live in California?
11) Your age?
ill be 16 in august
12) anything else that you think would help form an opinion
ya so im just basically looking for a bike that is geared towards mx riding but still can be rode off road as well so i was thinking maybe like a crf250x ? not really sure just looking for help

This info won't guarentee a perfect bike choice but it will sure
stear the answers you get closer to the ideal bike.


Apr 23, 2007
get a leftover 2007 honda crf250r if your dealer has any left. I got one 3 months ago as a leftover for $5600. I used to have the 04 which had a great carberauter but ****ty valves. The 2007 is a great bike with good power and great handling. Let me know what you decide on.
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