CR150F v TTR125LE


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
A friend & I were riding on Friday & at one point, had to go close to a tree to avoid falling into a rut. I told her not to worry if she couldn't manouevre the bike, as our bikes could get through no worries. This led to my observations.

While everyone says the CR150F is taller than the TTR125L, what isn't mentioned is the footpegs are lower. My bike had no problems going through the rut, we had to half carry hers as the footpegs kept sticking into the rut walls (yeah, we could've lifted the bike back out, but it was only a shallow rut with the odd deeper patches).

This led to us discussing the differences and me taking her bike out for a ride to compare. I felt like my feet were on the ground and standing up it felt truly wierd - I felt I was riding a couch, the bike feels long. Now, the suspension - this I loved, it seemed to absorb everything that on the TTR I feel rattling through my body. Power wise, I didn't notice much difference, but that was the terrain I was riding.

Kick start - the stroke is a lot longer than on the TTR. Different bikes, for sure. I'd always lumped the 125's & the 150 together as pretty much the same bike, just different colours - I don't now.


May 25, 2002
I have a TTR125L and one race I was able to ride the CRF150. I felt much more comfortable on the bike due to the lower footpegs. The extra HP seemed to help alot over the jumps. It actually felt lighter riding and jumping the CRF with the increased power. With the lower footpegs I didn't feel like I was going head first over the handle bars when I stood up. I did slid out in a muddy corner and the extra weight was very evident then. I almost bought one. I decided if I am going to get a bike that heavy I could wait for the CRF250X. 

So I am now waiting patiently until some time in February....
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