I'm seriously considering a new bike, but need a bit of input.
I currently ride a 2001 CR250 which I bought new. It is stock other than fork springs and jetting, and I love it--no real complaints.
Originally I was going to wait and get a 2004 CR250 (2 stroke), but i'm getting impatient.
1. Any rumors on the 2004? If they just get minor changes, probably not worth the wait.
2. I know there's a few of you out there that have owned both a 2000/2001 and a 2002/2003. Is it worth the switch?
I'm not expecting a lot in the motor department, if I don't like the motor there's always porting. My main motivation here is better suspension, a lighter more "flickable" bike, and just to get a new bike that's tighter.
Help me out fellas!