Crank Seal?


Jun 11, 2004
How does a leaking crank seal cause white smoke and fouling problems. The guy at the yamaha is "almost" sure that is why it won't stay running for more than 20 seconds and then bogging out. On my polaris there is no seal to keep
the transmission oil out of the cylinder just the rings. So I am kind of lost as to how to tell if the seal is bad or how to tell if this is in fact the problem.


May 17, 2004
Is you polaris a 2 stroke or 4? If its 4 then it wouldn't have crank seals because the engine oil serves as engine oil and tranny oil. All 2 strokes have crank seals because the mixed fuel passes through the ports and goes down around the crank. One way to tell is to do a leak down test. Just do a search and you should find out how to build one yourself if you dont' want to pay your local shop to do it.


Jun 15, 2001
Yup, what CR said. If the crank area to tranny area gasket is bad or the last guy that split he case used a screw driver to pry it apart, then tranny oil gets into the crank area and is pulled up into the combution chamber. The gear oil is not made to burn so it leaves a residure that fouls the plug, and if your using regular 90W gear oil, the stench from the white cloud is un mistakable. I was following a guy one day when his crank to tranny seal blew and I never got the stench out of my helmet :| .
I dont think a leak down test would show this though since the piston would have to be below the intake port, then preasureising the crank case (not a good idea) and assuming the reed valves sealed tight.
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