Crappy MSNBC Poll on FS New Rules


Aug 13, 1999

This is a very poorly done survey (or well skewed).
Do you agree with the regulation to restrict off-road vehicles to certain parts of national forests?

Yes, all-terrain vehicles and motorized bikes are major sources of environmental damage.
No, off-roaders should be able to enjoy all areas of forests and grasslands.

The Yes choice: The question is whether off-road vehicles should have restrictions, and the answer is yes, of course, most off-roaders will agree to some regulation it's called sharing. But the second part of the "yes" answer .... a major source of environmental damage ..... that's just BS and irrelevant to the question.

The NO choice: Very few off-roaders believe that 100% free access to all areas is a good idea.

There is no good answer to this STUPIDLY constructed poll. Vote NO and vote often. Everyone vote 10 times NO.


Apr 14, 2002
I voted. Reminds me of the time someone came to my house trying to get me to sign a petition. I smelled a rat by the way they presented themselves and declined. I knew I had done the right thing when they countered with "Don't you want to save the environment?" They never really told me what their noble plans were but I imagine it didn't include me and my friends roosting down the bunny trail.
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