
Aug 5, 2005
I've never been but heard a lot about it. Heard mostly good stories.

Is it safe for kids (my son is 11)? I've heard there's a lot quads flying around and the trail directions are not real organized? That was the one thing keeping me from rushing out. When are you going again?


Nov 12, 2004
I'm headed there next week (driving down from VA, spending a week in FL, intended to hit croom and hardrock mx). Any recomendations or advice? Is there a hotell near by?


Jan 14, 2005
There is at least one hotel RIGHT next to Crooms (I-75 and Highway 50). Lots of fast food and gas stations within 1/4 mile from the entrance. There is a MX shop just in front of the entrance. The hotel looks pretty nice, but I do not know the prices. There may even be one or two more hotels nearby. Keep in mind that the rules say that all bikes must be trailered in, so you cannot push or idle your bike from the hotel. Only vehicles with a motorcycle style seat like a bike or a quad are allowed, no Honda Odesseys or buggy type things with car style seats. You pay for a yearly pass, I don't think that you can do a one day pass, but I am not positive on that one. I ride Crooms one or twice a week, it is really nice. Most of the nutjobs are out showing off around the front dry lake bed (called the Sandhill area). The dry lake bed has a motocross style track that is fun if there aren't too many nutjobs on it (driving back and forth ACROSS the track on quads for some unknown reason). If you go on a weekday it is REALLY nice. There are marked Harescramble trails (very narrow and sometimes pretty challenging), wide car sized trails with whoops (don't worry no cars allowed on the trails), quad sized trails with banked turns, there are sand pits, trials trails, steep climbs (although the hills are not very tall), mud bogs, jumps (although the jumps change daily due to the sandiness of the dirt). There is plenty of area for everyone, and it is very hard to get lost. If you are lost, ride in one direction until you see a fence, then follow the fence...the whole park is a long fenced rectangle. Have fun!


Jan 14, 2005
Oh yeah, I forgot. There is a KIDS section where only kids can ride (parents are allowed). It is near the second or third parking area (ask the ranger at the gate). Parking is hardpack dirt (you won't get stuck) and shaded by trees. There is camping, water, showers,etc inside the park, but no night time trailriding. I have never had a problem with running into anyone on the trails, but use common sense on blind curves and intersections when it is busy.


Nov 12, 2004
Thanks for the info, though it was a couple weeks ago I was there. I found everthing ok and had a great time. It was loads of fun, highly recomend the place. The marked harescramble course was my favorite.

I also spent a couple days at hardrock mx park which was about an hour north of croom. It though very different from croom was also awsome.



Aug 25, 2000
THe place must have been improved because i rode there about 5 years ago and it was not much to talk about. Trails were whooped out to the max. It was fun riding in the sand for a change ... but it made me realize that if i lived in FL i would be a MX rider and not a woods rider!


Jan 14, 2005
The terrain at Crooms changes daily. It is very sandy and whooped out on busy weekend days, and sometimes a day afterword. The trails are the best right after a rain. It is so sandy that after a hard rain, the trails are usually perfectly packed instead of being muddy (although there are some big mud puddles for the four wheelers). You can usually stay out of the mud after a rainy day and you will find the best trail conditions. The best way to stay away from the deep sand and big whoops on any day is to explore away from the parking areas and camps. The trails are almost always nice once you get away from where everyone else rides. Lately, they have done some trail maintenance to the wide trail that follows the fenceline around the park. This trail was dozed flat and has seemed to stay fairly whoop free for a few weeks so far. I think that this trail was dozed in case there was an emergency and fire/rescue needed to get into the park for a forrest fire, or for a downed rider. This wide trail is a nice place to test your bikes top end, and a good place to do a 'spark plug chop' to test the plug on your two stroke. Have fun!


Sand Dunes

Hi, my friends and I wanted to do some motocross during the winter (we live in Quebec,-40C), and we would like to go somewhere in united states. Do you know a good place where there are big sand dunes. We all have paddle tires and like sand. Thank you (excuse my bad english).


Mar 12, 2007
help me,crooms

crooms is awesome i love it ,i go camping every 2 weeks but im really interested in getting my son on one of the 2 practice tracks (they may be private)that are across from the fence line of crooms,we watched some little dudes getting major air 3 weeks ago.we sat there 30 minutes just watching in awe....does anyone know about the track??????????


Mar 12, 2007
crooms private track

i looked on google earth to see it from there how to get to it and i will be trying to get in there asap,ill make sure i let u know how it goes $$$$$$$$$$$talks im sure,to see my sons eyes light up is priceless,hes tired of riding on flat sugar sand....ty for the reply to post


Aug 31, 2005
if i am not mistaken randy the guy that runs dade city mx owns those tracks if not him then the guys that run oas might own it but it is sweet looking :cool:
i have watched people out there a few times
we need a group ride :ride: seems that there are more of us now ill start a thread in southern chapters see if there is inetrest in going this weekend


Feb 6, 2007
Polk County schools were out Wed so the two boys and I went up for the first time in three years. Man have we missed that place!!! Was hardpacked from the rain and found some good mudholes to get dirty in. Spent all day there and maybe saw five vehicles at any given time in the parking areas north.

What was said before was golden... that if you venture away from the parking areas, you'll find good trails, and I might add that we watched a couple deer watching us at idle up in the northwest section. Also a Big fox at the campground area.

The youngest boy is now on the KX60 and his brother upgraded to a YZ80. Leaving the xr50 in the trailer gave us much more distance without rest/crash stops so much that we rode from one end to the other and actually ran the 80 outta gas! Luckily we were up near the north area where the hard clay packed track is and it was two minutes for me to get to the trailer and the gas can.

Beautiful day and we were basically the last ones out.

PS: It was us that broke the shower outside. Washed the mud off and the water wouldn't shut off. So we turned the water supply off. Was gonna let em know at the gate but it was dark and abandoned on our way out.


Aug 31, 2005
well i havent been able to get up there in a little while

i was layed off and my stickers expired so no $ flow
working job now that is 7 12 hour days (well im on night shift)
making buckoo bucks going to pick up my g/f's new bike on friday and week or so after that im thinking about picking up a new bike for me :) :boss: was thinking about getting 250 4 stroke not sure though ill post up when i get layed off from this job seeing as ill probably take month or so off collect a little unemployment and ride ride ride

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