Damn Dogs Ate My Favorite Hat!


Jul 5, 2000
I love my dogs, but they sure test me sometimes.

I was Roto-Tilling out in back last weekend - there's a moto-workout - but anyway, I was wearing my vintage Vans hat.

Now not all of you prolly have the soft spot for the shoe company that I do; I grew up in SoCal wearing Vans, everything from the Spicoli checkered slip-ons to custom made ones to the Cab. Skating around the schools when I wasn't riding my XR75.

Anyway this hat I HAD for some 15 years. Maroon, with a small gold Vans logo in the middle. Very cool, very low key. I even had a guy offer to buy it off my head at a party back in college. I wouldn't budge, not even for $50. I loved that hat.

Well I came home the other day and my wife shows it to me. It had not been casually chewed, no little nibble, the hat was DESTROYED. Eaten. Tore' up. I showed the hat to the dogs and saw the guilt in thier cowering and lowered tails. So I flogged their butts all the way out the house with what was left of my favorite hat. And they stayed out until the Mrs. felt bad and let em in.

What did I do to them? They've got a good life. Hell, they get to sleep on the bed! Treats all the time! People food scraps! Man...

Damn dogs! :debil:


Mod Ban
Jun 5, 2001
I know the feeling, my dog chewed up and totally destroyed a pair og glasses not to long ago. I guees that I had falling asleep with them on in bed and when I got up in the morning, I couldn't find them. I usually take them off and put them on my night stand, but this time I didn't and payed the price. When I did find them, the frames were trashed. I showed them to my dog and she hung her head low because she knew that she had done wrong. What gets me is the attraction to objects that don't smell anything remotely like dog food.


Apr 13, 2000
I know how you feel :( :( Our dog now jumps onto the table to get things. I think she does it because we leave her home alone all day. What really irritates me is she takes out just enough of the hat to render it unwearable.


Sponsoring Member
Jan 24, 2002
Good thing I love my dog, she has chewed two helmet liners, three pair of goggles, three pair of sunglasses, and my prescription gasses once. My local honda shop jokes that they have her on retainer :confused: BTW, the scoop seems to be that they like something from your head or eyes because it is saturated with your scent.

sparky yzf

Jan 14, 2001
My husband and I were still dating when my sweet Austrailian Cattle Dog, Buddy, ate his hi-point boots. Our relationship almost ended there.
After my husband married me and the dogs.... Buddy still was not satisfied and ate a brand new drip irriagation system. It had been in the ground for two hours.
My other dog a lab (when she was a puppy) ate a box of codoms and chewed them like gum. My 70 year old neighbor came over to check on Daisy and me. At that point Daisy spits out the condom she had been chewing on at my neighbor's feet. Let's say she was not to thrilled.


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
I have a golden retreiver and if I leave the side garage door open He'll go in and snag some riding gear, nothing else just riding gear, then he comes to the back door to show me, then when I go and try to retreive my gear he runs to the other side of the pool and it's like chase me time. So one time I had my son go one way and I went the other, Whats the dog do ?, He drop my boot in the pool and while I'm trying to get it out, he makes a clean getaway.

Gotta luv'em


Oct 30, 2001
My dog Missy had puppies last fall and I kept one of them. This puppy chews EVERYTHING! She chewed the handles off the kitchen cabinets, the wood on my real oak bed frame, ruined my Fox hat, sunglasses, several pairs of shoes, socks, ripped the cloth off of the couch, steals the wood handled steak knives and ruined 6 of the 11 piece set, chews beer cans to shreds, broke a glass in the kitchen and picked up a piece and brought it onto the bed to munch on further, etc etc etc. Thankfully she's 7 months now and has lost her chew cravings, but has taken to eating poop in the yard. :think: Oh well, I love em anyway. :)

Check their pic out here... http://www.dirtrider.net/cgi-bin/photopost/index.pl?photo=2200


Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
Sorry william I checked ebay and no luck :whiner: Ill keep looking don't you worry. My dog chewed up one of my favourite toys when I was a kid and I am still mad at him :debil:


Do the impossible its fun
Jul 16, 2000
william that sucks. I'm not trying tosay anything bad here. But hear me out. You say your dogs have never done this before. You didn't see them do it. You've been wearing this hat around for 15 years. I'm not saying anything, but this sounds like something my wife would do :confused :) :silly:


Jul 5, 2000
I found out that they can eat hats but not left-over chilli. The other nite gaseous emissions were terrible, and one poor pup couldn't even keep it down! :scream:

Maybe it's stuff like this I'm getting paid back for. I thought the fat one was a garbage disposal. Guess not. :eek:


Jun 5, 2001
Ridr, was that last week!!??:):):p My dog chewed and drug my work jacket up and down the side yard then ripped the patches off the sleeve. I gave my other dog peanuts cause he wouldn't stop bugging me, he regretted it the next day. ;)


Apr 8, 2002
Years ago my pitbull and my little pomeranian ate thru my gearbag and dusted off a new Bieffe helmet, needless to say after chasing them thru the yard with a .357 magnum screaming like a strung out heroin addict, they ceased and spent their idle time sampling the cat box treats. No more problems from those two.


Apr 8, 2002


Damn Yankees
Aug 17, 2001
The last dog I had was a big redbone coonhound. One night I let him out and he failed to return after his usual 10 minutes. I go out with the flashlight and find him with a good sized rat in his mouth. He wouldn't give it up for nothin', and looking at it from his point of view, I understood. He ate the whole rat, I mean head, feet, tail, the works. Cleaning up that pile of fur and bones he puked up the next morning was the biggest test my stomach was ever put to. It left a stain on the basement floor that I fondly remember him by :whiner: :whiner: :whiner:

You Gotta Love 'em !!!

Joe Chief


Nov 5, 2001
why not try a cat? ours has quite happily shredded a couch! but her best trick is to wait until she is half way through a crap and cant decide if she wants it in or out.......before dragging her arse accross the carpet, generating a nice shrapnel littered skidmark for me to clean up!


Feb 21, 2002
I had a cow eat half the seat on my old quad. I stopped to do something for my mom and left it in the field. I looked up and he had a piece of foam hanging from his mouth. It's like he was trying to tell me something about quads. And talk about messy riding near them. uhhhh.....


Damn Yankees
Aug 17, 2001
Originally posted by clutchcover
I had a cow eat half the seat on my old quad.

LOL That's pretty funny :) Maybe she thought it was a salt lick and got carried away.

I was once chased by one. I hit it with a rock and she gave up.

Sorry about your seat.

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