Dead or Alive?


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
There are reports of reports (how vague can you get) out there that some of Osama Bin Laden’s own people have killed him – shot him in the back – along with pal Mullah Omar. This report should be treated with maximum skepticism as it hasn’t yet appeared in any reports from accepted news agencies. I bring it up here only to lead me to some additional points.

First – could it happen? I’m sure there are Taliban members in Ashcanistan who are none too pleased with the current situation. They had their little system all set up – absolute power and dominance – and suddenly the most powerful nation in the world is trying to kill them off. And why? Osama Bin Laden, that’s why. You wouldn’t blame them for wanting him sort of dead.

Second – what if it has happened? Look for the "compassionate" liberals to come out in full force. The left will demand an immediate cessation of all hostilities … an end to the war on terrorism. Will the war have been won? Hardly. Someone will gladly fill Bin Laden’s shoes. Those who hate the freedom and liberty of America, and our reverence for the individual, will then sit back and wait for Osama II to step forward and deliver another crippling blow to the unbelievers.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
The left will demand an immediate cessation of all hostilities … an end to the war on terrorism.
Don't you know it. You had best keep this quiet or they'll start screaming tomorrow.


Dec 31, 1969
My .02
1) That is, I'm sure, the perfect end to him. Not killed by infidels, but by another Muslim. Makes our job much easier with respect to that one small part of the whole pie.

2) Even if it did happen, I'm sure we'd deny it, at least until the Taliban is gone and a new government installed. Maybe even until after we spank Sadam again, you can bet this is all going to get tied together... what the heck, since we're there... :)

3) At some point you have to believe they (OBL) will fake a death, he uses doubles on a regular basis.


Interesting, and not impossible.

I'm not sure how heavy of a pounding OBL and his immediate circle are taking, but you would have to think that after a certain amount of time, you would get tired of it. There are a lot of folks around him with guns, wouldn't take a split second to bust a cap in his butt.
BTW-Ashcanistan! LMAO!


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
More Speculation

The National Review offers some good old-fashioned speculation:

"There were some strange things going on in Afghanistan last week. The Pakistani press reported that Mullah Omar had convened a Shura (council meeting) in Kandahar on the 16th of more than 100 Taliban commanders. This alone strikes one as unusual. How could they get to Kandahar safely? And, once there, wouldn’t they present a perfect target for the allied forces? Maybe they were -- the meeting lasted until the 19th, which was the day of the U.S. Ranger raid on Kandahar. When the Shura ended, the Taliban issued some odd comments. For example, they `advised´ Mullah Omar to `control the command of the Taliban army by remaining underground,´ and also `directed Osama bin Laden and his associates to remain underground.´ They also set up a line of succession should Omar be `martyred,´ and `expressed their determination to remain united until the end, even after their leader is martyred It might sound like prudent planning to establish a line of succession ... but in an authoritarian regime it is rare. Usually it amounts to a death sentence for the person tapped as the successor. The AP reports of the arrest of 100 people in Kandahar also fits the puzzle. And one more thing to consider: On Oct. 16, Taliban Corps Commander Mullah Muhammad Akhtar Usmani ... made a lengthy statement that Omar and his family were `safe at their residence´ and `completely unharmed.´ But no one had claimed otherwise"
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