deciding on a new bike


Jan 1, 2009
I am 15 years old and am looking to buy a new dirtbike. i currently am riding a Suzuki DRZ 125 4 stroke. im getting sick of topping out at 80k's full throttle.. i want something that has a decent amount of power but isnt going to kill me on my first ride. i am leaning towards a KDX200/220.. would this be enough power for me on sand dunes / sand hills?

1) 175cm, (182cm is 6ft, we workin in cm wherei live), about 147 pounds, medium build
2) Him pretty physical, im agressive but dont want TOO much power, just a good amount for an intermediate level rider, not hardout MX or antyhing
3) i plan to go on trail rides with friends, sometimes ride in mud/over farms and a reasonable amount on sand dunes
4) i have around 3-4months riding experience, i have ridden a lot over that periods, probably done about 700k's or so.
5) Probably not, maybe occaisonally but wouldnt be very competitive.
6) Do a bit, but would take mostly to local mechanic.
7) I have been looking at Kawasaki's, mainly the KDX 200/220 (not sure which to get out of those) or a KX250. any suggestions would be good for bikes that would suit the riding i'd do. would prefer 2 stroke just for the power.
8) yeh got quite a lot of dealers around
9) i would probly want to spend no more than $5,500 NZD (3,170 USD)
10) I live in New Zealand
11) I'm 15 years old

just anything you guys have to say that could help me decide would be great.

i know i dont have a lot of experience but im a pretty confident and capable rider

i dont know whether i should go with the KX250 or the KDX200/220, i know the KX is more a MX bike but i dont want to get pissed off with the KDX being to slow
cheers guys


Oct 7, 2008
I am 15 and I just got a KDX 200 and it has PLENTY of power in fact it has almost too much for me :) if you got a KDX you would not outgrow it vary quickly.
my last bike was an old 125 twostroke and when I first rode the KDX the power scared me so stepping up from a 4 stroke you will be in for a wild ride :)


Jan 1, 2009
oh sweet, that sounds good, maybe ill be leaning towards that then. whats the top speed on your 200? what would be the difference in power between a 200 and a 220, compared to that of the 250's?

i've heard a lot of good stuff about the KDX though, i'd probly buy one with a pro circuit pipe already fitted and then do some alterations later on. maybe a KX250 would be a bit powerful for trails and would be better on the MX track? it would carve up on sand but im not sure if im ready for it


Oct 7, 2008
The top speed is about 75 miles and hour.
There is not much differance in power between the 200 and the 220 I think the 220 has a little more low end.
the 250 is going to have quite a bit more power (power is'nt everything) and it will handle and corner better the the KDX
but you must remember that too much power can get you hurt.


Jan 1, 2009
ok cool thank you, got a good idea now.. the KDX is getting older now aswell as they've stopped production. is this still a good choice of bike to go with? i've heard a KTM 200EXC or SX would be good, or even a MX 125 bike? are the 125MX bikes just as powerful?


Oct 7, 2008
well evan though they have stoped production the KDX is still one of the most popular and widely used 2 stroke trail bikes
The new 125 MX bikes have about the same power and there a little lighter but they dont have as much torque or low end.

the KTM's are FAST but the parts are more expensive and I have heard of people haveing problems with them. KTM is still a good bike though.

P.S I cant believe im the only one posting on this! someone should be correcting me if I'm wrong.


Jan 1, 2009
oh ok, yeah the low end torque could be a problem, need a fair bit for getting through the tuff **** lol. would a kx125 be all right for trail riding i.e getting through some tougher stuff.


Oct 7, 2008
yes it would. remember the bike is only as good as the rider. so as you get more skilled you will be able to get that 125 just about anywhere you want it to go.
the nice thing about the KX is the handleing and suspension is sooo much better then the KDX


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Whereabouts are you Matt?
You could go to a trailride and ask if you could test ride the odd bike - leaving yours behind for the owner to ride or as guarantee.
If you're in the NI, you could go to a Honda ride and test ride their bikes (need to book I think), or Nick Reader's rides, I think he may have Suzuki test bikes.
If in Auckland, I've heard Spectrum have a KDX hire bike. May be the way to go if you're leaning that way.
You do have your age against you, but without asking, the answer is straight away NO.
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