Delta forceII Part#


Nov 3, 2001
I hope someone out there keeps packaging(and other junk) around like I do. In all my site-searches I ended up with the "V-Force Delta, Delta 3" and other ways of saying it. If anyone has a Part number to pass on it would be great. It's for an '01 220.
I'm looking for the one so highly-touted in this forum. I know, but I did an extensive search but came up with zilch. Any help'd be greatly apprecieated. Thanks to all..


Nov 3, 2001
Sometimes the world is my oyster, or maybe just my clam...I checked their website for their importer and it's on my way home from work! So I stopped by and apparently the PN is for the entire cage(if that's what it's called). My fault but I was under the impression that I'd just have to replace the petals at $95CDN as opposed to$227.
Do the petals fit the stock cage? My guess is the best would be to go with the full cage but that's just a guess. Can anyone expand on that?
I could probably swing the petals but the cage would have to wait...I'm working on the wife for a pair of Sidi Flexforce boots. Something about "Force" just makes me want to buy things. Thanks for any help.


Oct 14, 1999
Take a look at the pic posted HERE .

The DFII cage is nothing like the stock cage. There are eight petals..essentially two cages sandwiched together.

That's the whole idea. The reed lip area is hugely increased.

It's not just another reed to stick on the oem cage (or any other cage except theirs).

re: I ended up with the "V-Force Delta, Delta 3"

I'm not sure what you're saying with that. There IS a version of DeltaForce that is called a '3', but that version I haven't seen made for the kdx yet.

It's a DeltaForceII. It is grey in color. It has adjustable reed stops.

The DeltaForce (no II) is black in color. It does not have adjustable stops.

How's that? Pictures and everything!
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Nov 3, 2001
CC-thanks for the reply...exactly what I needed, very explicative. Guess I'll concentrate on my boots for now.
As for my blurb about "v-force delta 3" etc, I didn't find that for the KDX, in fact, I found nothing for it, but the wording was switched around and they added a V that I'd didn't recall seeing before and I guess I'm easily confused. Thanks for the tutelage, you're always out there.


Oct 14, 1999
You were confused 'cause it's confusing. Using 'deltaforce' for both cages is confusing. Then once in awhile 'mototassinari' is thrown in for good measure.

Get this. The DFII I got came in a DF box with a picture of a black valve right on the package!

..but as I've noted before, the whole 'II' part came about by my riding buddy ordering one, getting the wrong one....then with multiple 'try this' pieces from mototassinari, they finally came up with a block/reed set for the kdx. When he first asked for one, they didn't make it at all for the kdx.

A poster awhile back got a good deal on a DFII (he thought) that, unfortunately....was black.

So, there is plenty of confusion to go around.

Glad I could share some!!

Jim Crenca

Mar 18, 2001

So how much difference compared to stock block with aftermarket reeds?
I'm assuming better response but not necessarily more tractability.
You mean I need to buy a #6 slide, flywheel AND DFII to go along with the usual mods?
I thought these jap bikes were supposed to be cheap!


Oct 14, 1999
The stock cage and aftermarket reeds were a long time ago....

I originally tried the -30 pipe with the power reeds on the stock block. That was with an 'A' series needle in the RB carb....what was considered to be the way to go at the time.

I'd put it in the unuseable category. Fun if you had some room, but 1st gear grunts weren't working at all.

I tried the -30 again with the radvalve. That wasn't any good either.

Although neither one of those was with the FWW, that addition doesn't relate to the 'throttle reponse' part.

It all amounts to little bits of add here, add there. Still, with nothing other than the reed cage change, the -30 became 'useable'. Better than that, actually. It works just fine.

If you consider a pipe change to be the #1 bang-for-the-buck mod then the RB carb mod has to be close behind. I'd argue that the DFII setup would give the carb mod a run for the money for the #2 slot. It's probably more of a tractability than response issue. Again, the -30 now works every bit as good as the -35 ever did! Response is fine too, though.

I can think of a number of instances just on last week's ride, that this combination took me places without even thinking about breaking a sweat that before (radvalve and -35 pipe) would have given me fits.

If you're not already using a 'C' needle, though......that's much less $. Heck, ron will sell you a #6 (probably for 'B' series needles) for something like $40! Then you can have him machine your oem slide to a #7 for a scant $15.

It's all about what suits you, of course. And someone else's anecdotal input isn't worth much. I do know that time and again I've figured the kdx to be doing about the best it could. ....and time and again I've found that to be not quite true!

So.....yeah. You NEED to buy some more stuff for your cheap jap bike!!
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Sep 29, 2002
I run a DF2 reed set up with FMF pipe and I'm very pleased with the results. There is one little extra that I put in that I haven't heard anyone mention yet. It'a an aluminum spacer plate about 1/4" thick that goes between the reed block and the cylinder intake. It's supposed to allow more air mixture charge to go into the cylinder. I installed it with the DF 2 and it was dynamite throughout the powerband with more top end than ever before. I never ran it with just the reeds, so I can't comment on what, if any, difference the spacer has made. I really love it now though.


Oct 14, 1999
That piece (reed spacer) is often confused with a torque ring (pipe spacer).

I haven't heard more'n a couple references to it over the past several years.

The idea that enlarging the intake port volume increases the amount of mixture that gets under the piston doesn't make any sense. Actually, as the volume of the port increases, it becomes less efficient.

Glad you like it, though! That's a good thing.

You might try it without the spacer?

Lo or hi tension? Which pipe? Which kdx?


Sep 29, 2002
My bike is an '03 KDX 220 FMF Gnarly torque pipe with Power Core silencer. I haven't messed with the reed tension, it's whatever was factory set on the
DF 2. I may have the explanation incorrect regarding the reed spacer's application. It may affect the air flow into the port? Whatever it is, it has had a positive affect on the bike's performance.
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