Did I suffer a mild head concussion?


Mar 13, 2000
Sunday I was riding and wreck my bike. My front wheel wash out from me and my head smack the ground (I was wearing a helmet). My question is? Did I suffer a mild concussion? The reason ask is because I haven't had one yet. At first it hurt like a instant headache and I didn't think much about. While that headache has been on going for about three days now. The pain decrease's by the day but it is stil's hurts(not intense or anything).l It hurts when I shake my head, jump or try to run. I haven't been dizzy or anything but was just concerned if I should see a doctor. What do ya'll think? How long should I rest before trying to ride again? Or is nothing to worry about? Is this common problems in a concussion?


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Sounds like you should see a doctor--you don't want to take any chances with your head. You don't want to be wearing a diaper at 30 and playing with play-doh. Buy a new helmet, too.


Sep 22, 2000

You say that like there is something wrong with diapers and play-doh :eek:
oh, I see what you mean now about the the being 30 part. ;)

Did you see little cartoon like birds flying circles around your head? :think
Have you ever seen cartoon like birds flying around your head? :confused:

Seriously, follow FC22's advice and toss the helmet and see a doctor.


Aug 17, 2001
whenever you hit your head hard, you should at least call a doctor and see if you should go to one. definitly toss the helmet, it is weaker now from the crash.

David Trustrum

Jan 25, 2001
The helmet shell is almost irrelevant. The liner compresses so is a one time affair so -good idea, - replace it if you whack it.

If you haven’t yet;

Go see a (expletive) doctor,

people can die from concussion. Hurting 3 days later may be damage that needs attention.


Nov 4, 2000
Lots of good advice here . . .

but I will spare you and tell you how my mild concussion felt. I got up after the crash and felt dizzy. I picked my bike up, but felt really weak and disoriented. Then some other riders were asking me if I was ok, and I could not really respond well. All I could say was, " just give me a minute". Then, as I leaned on my bike - I lost 90% of my hearing and could not focus beyond 15 feet for about 3-4 minutes. Then everything came back to normal, and I had that headache you are talking about for about 48 hours.
I went to doc. and got checked out since that was a little scary, and vowed never to desert race again. Been doing moto ever since ( with a new helmet ) and the noggin is 100%.


Jan 17, 2001
You should at least call the Dr. and tell him your symptoms so he can make an educated decision.

Get a new helmet.


Sponsoring Member
Mar 8, 2001
Last Saturday (the 18th) I was racing a HS in Utah and got taken out by another rider about 6 miles into the first loop. I can't remember any more of the first loop (16 mile loop). The next thing I remember I'm leaving the pits for the second loop and start experiencing some serious deja-vu. I finished the second loop but decided not to continue any further due to my head being in la-la land. During the second loop I was having a very hard time keeping focused on riding and more than once found myself going way too fast (looking for 7th gear) for the conditions. I talked to a doctor and followed his precautions for a couple days.

Pay attention to what your body tells you, and buy a new helmet.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Yes, you've rung your bell. See a doctor immediately.

Not to change the subject on the helmet side, but I've heard that some manufacturers will actually inspect your helmet for free. Can't remember where I heard this, but it was around time I last had my bell rung. Can anyone confirm this?


Jul 27, 2001
My concussion was a nice one, I was probably about 14 years old riding a ktm 80 when I got into some small ruts at high speed. The steering bounced back and forth until it broke the small piece of metal that stops your bars from turning too far, then the bike flipped. My friend told me i 'bounced' when i hit the ground, and my bike filpped several times end over end. He said i laid there for a few minutes not moving, kinda groaning. He went to get help and when he came back I was up and about, but in a daze to say the least. I remember nothing at all from the crash. Everything I know is what my friend told me. In fact the last thing I remember before the crash, was saying to my friend how fun it was flying across that field, and my next memory after that was waking up over the toilet in my house throwing up. I might have lost a day in there somewhere.. :eek: My friend said I kept asking about the bike, and trying to fix it, etc... I was back on my bike two weeks later.


Jan 10, 2001
ive gotten 2 concussion...once when i endo'ed on my yz80 and the bike landed on me, and the second time on my 125 when my front end washed out doing a nose wheelie and got slammed to the ground. the first time i just had a throbbing headache for about 48hrs, the second time i had the headache as well as no vision in my left eye for about 3 days. i also tore my pcl ligament in my knee in that crash...probably the most pain ive ever been in.


Mar 13, 2000
I made appointment to see doc just to be on the safe side. I will call shoei and see if they will inspect my 2 week old vfx-r:(


Sponsoring Member
Jan 29, 2001
Chris, See a Dr. ASAP. After you smack your head, things sneak up on you after a few weeks sometimes. It has been 4-5 months since I smacked my head in a car accident. I have been dizzy on and off. I thought I was making an improvement. I went to Circuit City last week to get a PS2 :) , and while I was in there, I think all the lights and everything got to me, and blam, my vision was gone from my left eye for the next hour and I was so dizzy I could have fallen over. It started to come back, but it was like I was looking out of a fish bowl through the next day. Strange stuff. I am going back to the Dr. this week. This is just a small example of what my concussion has been doing to me since it happened. One minute your fine, next minute your wondering what the heck is going on. See a Dr. ASAP!


Jun 3, 2002
Hey Chris007,

Just wanted to let you know that Cobrakid's name is Chris and his bike number is #7. Itsn't this a small world.


Mar 13, 2000
Thanks for all ya'll caring help and KDX220m, right about the world being a small place. The doc said to lay off the bike for a couple a weeks and see how things go and said it was just a mild concussion. He said exactly what mx265 said about having this thing haunt you months down the road. He told that back in the 80's President Reagan suffer a concussion by falling off a horse and the doctors thought nothing really about after a couple of weeks. After 6 months or so he became weak on one side of his body. The catscan showed a small clot forming in his head for the same concussion from the horse fall. My doc told a throwing up for no reason is a good sign for future problems along with memory loss, loss vision and being dizzy. Mx265 make sure you go see your doc ASAP and tell him that story and make them run a catscan . I hope and know that there is nothing to worry about but play it safe.
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