Dis' bike right here!!--it's a bea-utiful ding I tell ya'

john hubbard

Feb 23, 2003
The weekend weather for riding on the east coast (at least in Maryland) has been crappy since December...Yesterday, it was another classic rainy muddy, cloudy, wet day...but you know what, on Saturday morning I had just put the boyseen power reeds and really wanted to see how this thing ran. To tell you the truth I was so tired of mud and having to clean this bike and trailer for hours after riding that I really didn't want to go yesterday...but what the heck and to my delight I did. So what is the sum of an: 02 KDX 200+PC Pipe+FRP Torque Ring+Modified Air Box+FRP Front Springs+Boyseen Power Reeds+Great Tuning tips from this Forum? Times up!! It's a bea-utiful ding--dat's what!!...Okay, I was ranting and raving in this forum about how good this bike was 3-4 weeks ago and I couldn't believe how good it was then...Man!!--I put these little pieces of plastic or whatever (boyseen power reeds) in that reed cage and I swear to you I couldn't believe the extra set cahones the bike picked up...Insert Brooklyn, New York Accent here-- "Dis' bike right 'ere, its got balls!"

When I say mud, I mean classic red maryland clay, 1-2 foot muddy water filled sink holes, boggy wet sand--Just not a good day to ride. But I tell ya' what, that bike, with barely any traction to hear of, was lifting that front wheel in the first 3 gears--AMAZING!!...Even though I was cussing the mud, I was smiling every time I twisted that throttle...I actually though to myself while I was riding, "man, when it finally starts to dry up around here (probably 2004!!) and this bike hooks up with dry land, this mutha (KDX) is gonna be really scary!!"--The reeds were unbelievable!!...It was like eating a good steak, and glass of vino and now somebody walks in hands you a hand rolled cuban cigar!! (and doesn't expect a favor from you)... Now initally, it was suggested that I look at the Radvalve or DeltaForce Reed Valve set ups...well, I thought I about it, but I remembered something CD said in his hopup section of the JUSTKDX site...so, after reading it I went with the reeds only--$30-40 bucks. I'm not racing yet...so I thought this would be a sound but cheap investment--maybe one day I'll step up to the Boyseen RV or DF setup...but for now I'm as happy as a clam in marinara sauce.
I gotta be honest, at one point after having this bike for a couple of months (with only a pipe and airbox mods) I thought about going with a K--, well I really don't won't want use the other "K" word on this forum. I am an aggressive rider and I really didn't think this bike was going to fit the bill...but like I've read so many times in this forum..."you can set this bike up and modify it to your suit your ability." Well, I tell you this bike, this little 198cc green thing with a little spice added, is the true "peoples' champ" when it comes to off-road biking...So now when I'm out on the trail, and somebody with a really top of the line bike gives me that look, (and yeah, I think you all KDX riders know that look) I just kinda lower and tilt my head to one side and think to myself--"You wanna piece of me!!!???...Remember dis', the bigger they are the harder they fall!!!...Ok, I think I've watched "Raging Bull" one too many times, but I you think you all get my point--It's just a damn good bike.


Apr 30, 2002
Good for you, stay green. I know exactly what your talking about, I mean with all the mud we've had this year. And what is the point of 40+ hp(ktm) most of the races in D-7 I don't get past third gear. Oh boy, there calling for more rain all the way thru Thursday. To think, last year we were in a drought.:)
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