Disabled man need help on cluch issue :)


Jan 20, 2007
Hello guys,
I had an accident when i was pretty young which left me with about Thumb, Index finger and two half fingers on my left hand. yeah im not that disabled :)
anyway, i was rideing on quads for pretty long time and ofcourse it wasn't perfect working with the clutch but i managed to do pretty good job.
anyhow, for about more then a year i moved to dirtbikes which are more fun, but less forgiven for mistakes as the quads. the results of all the above means that im holding the left side of the handlebar with my thumb and two half finger, while my index/pointing finger is doing the clutch work.
i tried to use ASV levers which my it a bit esier but not good enough. the problem is that my finger gets tired and it's hard for me to work in sensetive way with the clutch (half clutch).
i think that what i need is some product that will be able to adjust so it will sit close to the handlebar (and still have enough cable pull) and be Soft like a baby skin.
i heard couple of crazy advises but im not sure about them.
1. some how put both clucth and brake on the same side, the right one (throttle side). it seems to complicated.
2. to switch. brake on the left clucth on the right. it sounds ok but will have to take some time to get used to it.
if any one know about a product that will suit me or got some nice idea please let me know.
Thanks and sorry for the long post,


Jan 20, 2007
One of my friend had automatic clutch...and he had alot of problems with it. his bike was stall many times. probbly some adjustments...?
anyhow i dont know much about that but it seems wierd to ride without a clutch. is there any disadventge? except the fact that when i see my bike and buy anthor one i will have to fit it agian ?
if it so good why most of the riders dont use it ? or they do ?
anyway it sound nice idea...but i think that when i will upgrade my bike i would have to buy a new automatic clutch agian.
i would like to hear more ideas althought i think that at the end thies is the best i could get myself.

EDIT: just wanna mention im more riding endurence then MX.


May 10, 2007
Lots of off road guys run the Rekluse. For your situation it sounds like the best option. I have a few buddies that run them with good success.


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Apr 9, 2002
Sounds like your buddy didn't have his setup properly. I've played with a bike that had one installed a few times and you could literally be 3 or 4 gears from the correct gear and it would not stall. Lots of Pro MX'ers are running this clutch as well.

The only disadvantages I know of are the fact that you will no longer be able to bump start the bike if you can't get it to kick over and if you like engine braking it is reduced with the Rekluse.

The z-Start Pro model is what I am considering adding to my bike at the moment as it has an over ride setup where at any time you can use the clutch regularly if you choose to leave the lever on the bars.


Aug 8, 2000
Get a Rekluse, or if you still want a manual clutch then look at getting a magura hydraulic clutch kit for your bike. Hydraulic clutches have lighter pull and the lever position can be easily adjusted. I'm primarily on offroad guy and use a Rekluse clutch. Works pretty good for moto too.


Jan 20, 2007
Chili said:
The z-Start Pro model is what I am considering adding to my bike at the moment as it has an over ride setup where at any time you can use the clutch regularly if you choose to leave the lever on the bars.

From what i have read you can override with the non pro one aswell. just need to add some cable & preach or something like that.
i think i will go for it but mybe later on becuase im considering to replace my bike as soon as i will be better rider. it's an 04 YZ250F. which isn't suiting my riding style and thought about KTM400EXC.
so i guess that with the new bike i will get it.
until then...mybe magura or mybe one of those:


Aug 8, 2000
If you get a Z-start clutch, get the pro model. I have the regular one (they don't make a pro for GasGas) and the override sucks at high RPM. The pro is supposed to be a lot better.


Jan 20, 2007
Alright thanks guys, if anyone have any words on that moose prouduct i will be happy to hear


Aug 21, 2005
If you don't go with the rekluse, then definitely check out the hydraulic. You can easily operate it with your pinkie. I don't expect you to take my word for it though, got to any KTM dealer and see for yourself, I have never felt a clutch that was as easy to pull as my son's.
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