
Sep 15, 2000
Man, I come home today and my had has this stupid little grin on his face, like he is up to something. He starts talking about my dirtbike, and we chat it up for a bit. He then tells me that he just finished washing it for me. I think its funny how my dad loves washing the bike and always ends up taking it up and down the road for a spin, then tells me he'll never get on it again because its to fast :) So I go into the shed to put some WD-40 on the chain so it doesn't rust and what do I find?

A brand spanking new 180 piece Craftsman tool set. My dad rushes in 2 seconds later :) I ask him why he got this, he said that it was $299CDN marked down to $99CDN, he gave me the excuse that he couldn't let a deal like this slip by. (instead of telling me he'd think I would have really appreciated it, we all know how dads are when it comes to emotional kind of stuff) I just can't thank him enough. He goes for surgery in 3 weeks for his 3 hernia's, damn thats going to be painfull. I would love to get him out on a bike, but with the hernia's and the bad back I doubt it will never happen.

I'd just like to say "Thanks Dad"

And maybe this thread will let other Dads just how much we care about them, even if we don't show it that often :)


May 21, 2001
Dads are great Hucker. My dad is pretty funny. We go riding on the powerlines on Sundays, and he spends the whole next week talking about our 'moto'. He also likes to say that he gets it into the 'powerband'. In relation to anything (i.e. driving a car, doing ANYTHING else), he talks about 'getting it sideways. But my dad is awsome, and he supports:p my dirt riding adventures, so it's all good


Nov 10, 2001

'Tim the Tool Man Taylor' HeHe...I think your story inspires basic respect for simple family functions - when it comes to the motorcycle. Very good story dude!

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