DRN tested - when???


Aug 30, 2001
Whoever has the Alpinestar t6 7 t8 for the DRN tested forum. Has either stole them or they are lost in the woods. This test has been pending since ???????????? :think:


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Still, I see sspmxc400's point. I've been wondering about the test results on the rest of the triple clamps, and the couple of boots left.
The boot ones in particular have been around for quite some time; a year or so?
My world-and hopefully yours- wont stop spinning if nothing materializes, but it would be nice to see them.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by Papakeith

My world-and hopefully yours- wont stop spinning if nothing materializes, but it would be nice to see them.

:) True, but the time waiting, at least for me, is always tempered with the thought "I would rather have a season long report rather than just a couple of rides". Esspecially when it comes to saftey gear and mounting devices ;)


Dec 31, 1969
We'll make it easy on ya...
I'll delete the boots we aren't getting done in time. Our goal was to get up reviews on the boots that everyone hasn't owned or that there wasn't a ton of info on already. I'll get the reviews for the 6 and 8 up when I get a chance.


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
Well sorry guys, like Iva said, we do the best we can in our "spare" time, nights, weekends, vacation time... yanno, the typical time when most of you are surfing DRN or vegging out infront of the TV.


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Okie, Thump,
Ya know guys I would be more than happy to beta test: gear, tires, anything that fits one of my bikes, ... I fall real well so writing a report on an items longevity is something I am qualified for. And of course if AJ needs a bike tested for an extended period of time, well just ask, I'll forward my address for delivery. :confused: :yeehaw:

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
FWIW - There is something the members might want to consider about testing before you get too agitated. While using and testing something like boots is a relatively staightforward proposition, documenting your findings and writing about them in a way that's interesting and informative isn't a simple process for most people. I wrote my first magazine fuel article in 1985. It tooks me weeks of working on it to get it acceptable, and in truth it still sucked. I've seen Eric Gorr write longer, more involved, more readable articles sitting in the passenger seat of the truck while we drove to a race.

My point is, writing isn't a natural skill for everyone especially when you know that it will live on forever, and be viewed hundreds of thousands of times. For some it takes time to hit a comfort level where you are willing to let people see your work. So try and be patient, because I can assure you it's never as EASY as it seems to the person who doesn't have to do it. :thumb:

One last thing. Given the normal quality of posts out here I would respectfully suggest that those with glass keyboards should be mindfull of where they throw stones. ;)


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
I'm still waiting on a set of bars. I promise I will write a report on them. :p


Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by Rich Rohrich
One last thing. Given the normal quality of posts out here I would respectfully suggest that those with glass keyboards should be mindfull of where they throw stones. ;)

So true, we all have a lot to learn in this regard. I can stare at a post for minutes before posting only to see a goofy error I should not have missed.

I, for one, would rather talk in front of a group of people, than write an article.


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
It is rare to find a well written article on the internet. People tend to hide behind the anonymity of their computer to spout useless crap, so when a decent article does come along wouldn't you think that someone would respect the time and effort it took to write said article? I still say that a mere 2% of what is on the internet is useful, and that's being generous :|
(however of that 2% the majority is DRN :) )


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Like I said, my world wouldn't stop spinning either way. I just put more faith in these "normal joe" reviews than in the mag bits.
I do appreciate all the hard work. I don't think I've ever said otherwise.
My apologies if anyone feels I've stepped on their toes.
Last edited:

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Wasn't talking about you PK :thumb:


Aug 30, 2001
My attempt to get an answer with a little humor didn't go over well. Sorry.

Although I appreciate that this is a voluntary activity - this review is a bit past due in my opinion (the model year on the boot has now already run its course).

I doubt that anybody is looking for a professionally written review. Anything similar to past reviews is more than good enough.

The issue is about managing expectations.


Jun 5, 2001
You mean you guys TEST stuff? :) Test's really don't mean too much actually, some products work better or last longer on one application and work worse on others. I test when I buy, if I go cheap, I don't expect a long lasting relationship with the product. If I pay mucho presidents for something, I expect it to last and do what it says it will do. If not, the manufacturer gets it back with a nice letter stating so. Although I appreciate the tests and all, you guys already go above and beyond what is expected from a free site (for some). I get everything I need right here, whether you guys do a test or others give their stories on the item. Tests are just icing on the cake and very much appreciated when done, so in other words "Thanks!" and keep up the good work.;)


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Originally posted by Papakeith
....if anyone feels I've stepped on their toes.
I'd be wanting the Tech 8's in this instance, maybe even steel toed! ;)


Jan 22, 2002
Test's really don't mean too much actually,
you guys already go above and beyond what is expected from a free site (for some).

While using and testing something like boots is a relatively staightforward proposition, documenting your findings and writing

I would definately have to agree that it would be very difficult to write an informative unbiased test write up. And to do this on your own free time I can only offer a thank you for trying to help out thousands.

The unbiasedness<?> I would have to think has to pretty difficult.
take 2 "testers" one gets a free pair of 300$boots that has removable booties. They work, they're free and have these nice little booties that you can wash easily so your feet dont smell like last weeks cow pasture you were able to play in. Tester #1 has a very good review :thumb:

tester #2 with luck like mine, 300$, a week for shipping only to get the wrong size, send back, finally get a pair that fits. The dang dog steals the booty and buries it in the back yard now I have to wear 3 socks on my left foot because I can't find the booty.Then the calf section of theboot just dont fit right because of all the socks. Tester #2 has a bad review even though it has nothing to do with the boot just problems he encountered associated with that boot. :flame:

Although I put my trust in that DRN testers don't let these examples get in their way and I am very thankful that they do a few things with their tests . They tell me whether or not the marketing propaganda of the item is true and whether or not the quality is good. But whatever may work for them may not be best for my interests , atleast its good to know that the advertisements are honest and the item is well made. :)

Given the normal quality of posts out here I would respectfully suggest that those with glass keyboards should be mindfull of where they throw stones.
I know myself I get a lot more outof DRN than I put into it. My best posts are when I cut and paste or when I send somebody in the right direction of a previously asked question .


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
We do try to be unique in our tests and give some information is valuable. For example, I wanted to test the strenght of the dirtbike fender bag but couldn't think of anything until I put my helmet on and tried to see if it would hold my 220lbs hanging from the rafter of my garage :)

Now, I just have to come up with something unique for testing pipe plugs... hmmm, where is Gomer today?



A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by Truespode

Now, I just have to come up with something unique for testing pipe plugs... hmmm, where is Gomer today?

:eek: :) Giving me a hard time in the "Places to Ride" forum :thumb:



Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
I agree with someone above (too lazy to scroll up & look) that said there's already a wealth of info on each of the products if you just do a search. And in the Product Reviews forum I don't think that there's been anything left unsaid about any of the Alpinestars boots.

That said, I'm like lots of folks who like to see "official" reports & such. I'm very influenced by advertisements & sales pitches. I'll probably buy a convertible when my hair falls out. So I sort of understand why some sucker has been holding off on purchasing a pair of Diadora Rainbows just because the DRN geeks haven't smiled on them yet. Take it as a compliment, mods. We respect your opinions! :)
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