
Dec 27, 2001
I've been wondering that myself. I'm not sure about Drumheller, but I have been to a place on the Red Deer River with the same terrain as Drumheller.

Find "Trochu" on the map on Hwy 21, it's close to Three Hills, and go 15 minutes East on Hwy 585. When you come down into the valley and cross the river, on the North side of the highway, directly across from the South Campground is a little area where you can ride your bike.

There is actually a sign that says "No Motorized vechicles" but the tracks tell me that people have been riding there for years. The area isn't huge, about the size of a football field, but it sure is fun.

I would be heading out there now, but it's probably packed with this being May Long and all.
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