DRZ 250 vs. XR 250

thumper kid

Jun 14, 2001
Hey! I'm 14 years old and currently saving up for a new 250 thumper. I had 2 in mind; XR 250 and the DRZ 250. I read about the 250 shootout in the Dirtbike magazine that came out recently, but I still wanted some advice from other DRN members. I mostly ride in the woods and on tight trails, 2nd and 3rd gear type terrain. But I will be getting my licence in a couple years, and hoped to maybe dual sport the DRZ, and use an older XR 250 as my play bike. Any opinions out there?


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
there was a previous post on this same topic, should still be around somewhere so you might look for it.
Dirtbike magazine had a review/shootout that put the DRZ250, XR250, TTR-250 and then they put the winner out of those against the WR250F. It's interesting to read if you can still find it, I think it was last month's issue.

Also there were a few reviews on motorcycle daily, one about the stock DRZ-250 and another about the modified DRZ-250

Good luck on your choice.


Jan 13, 2001
How soon do you see buying? New or used?
They're both a good bike. But a better choice might be a used KTM.
Faster, lighter, better in every way. You could buy a good used one for the price of a new XR or DRZ. Just a thought.


Aug 8, 2000
I would probably get an XR250R. They are very well-made bikes and have been around long enough to be reputable as well as having the bugs worked out.


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
the DRZ's engine is not new technology, the exact same bike has been for sale in europe for years.
I'm not trying to force the Suzuki, I am not a fan of honda.


Jan 2, 2001
Are those your only tow choices? If not I would recomend the KLX 300. It's more powerful and lighter. It handels much better then either of those. The Suspention is better. The only thing the DR-Z has that is better is a Pumper carb. Also, the klx would be a better bike to dule sport. I just got a 97 and it feels so light and i just came off an RM 80. Can't go wrong with more power Less weight. Mine ways 250-260 completly wet with a full tank and everything.:cool:


Feb 9, 2000
The DRZ250 has been around and is a new technology machine, has oil cooling, electric start as well as backup kick start. So far, all the reviews have been very good, very little wrong with this bike. As to other choices, the XR, KLX, TTR etc, these are all good bikes, I don't think you will be unhappy with any of them.

I definitely would like a "little" DRZ thumper in my garage ... may just get me one too :p

So tell me, where do I find this cheap slightly used KTM 250 RFS !!? ;)

thumper kid

Jun 14, 2001
Hey RM kid, I've heard some good things about the KLX 300. One of my buddies lives in Randolph and has a KLX 300 too. He seems to be fairly comfortable on it and from a 3rd person pespective, it looks like it might not be a bad choice either. I worry about hot-starting after I dump the bike though. Thanks for the tip. Oh by the way, I've got an RM 80 also! ;)


Jun 15, 2001
Yeah, why was the KLX not in that review anyway, are they making bones about the 50 extra ccs? I have not seen that bike in any reviews now that I think of it. Has Kawi not been paying the mags enough green stuff to show some green stuff? I just dont think that bike has sold very well, I recall them lowering the prices on them to clear the floors the first year they came out. The dealers said they sold well in the lower XR 250 like price range.
Anyway, here is my 2/100ths of a $, the XR is more or less unchanged since at least the mid 80s, So why buy one new when there are plenty to be had used for between 500 and 800 bucks, many of them have already been street titled. So get a streeted XR 250, take the lights off and ride the trails, when you hit 16, put the lights on and ride the road, decide whcih you like better and put the money you saved into a new street or dirt bike and keep the XR for anything else.


Jun 15, 2001
No Prob TK, to me its all about the most bang for the least bucks, I came into motorcycling kinda the same way, had a 82 MX 100 at 14 and got a 86 KLR 250, rode it in the dirt, then street and loved both sides, So now I maintain both street and dirt bikes, and oh, did I mention the Mustang? Then there is the road and moutain bicycles, the RC planes and I am thinking about getting into kyacking this summer, so I have to evaluate all my spending so I can get the most for my $ in all my hobbies. :D good luck and ride smart, They WILL try to run you over on the road too, but they cant hit what they cant catch :p


Jan 2, 2001

Come by and I'll beat you in a race anytime with my front wheel off and no chain on my KLX.:p


Jan 2, 2001
Oh yea thumper kid I have a friend thats kinnda far away, I think Foxboro, and he has an RM 80 and he is a good rider and a good match against me.:cool:
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Jan 2, 2001
Thumper kid
don't u mean thumper kid wanabe. Just kidding. Whats up steve. O yea the KLX has no trouble starting hot after u dump as long as u have the procedure down. I'm taking the RM to the camp. I'm scared i was ranked # 1:eek: . I'm with the experts:( . Hopefully u'll be in my group.


Jun 15, 2001
Yup, as far as the KLX goes, I think Yamaha has done more to promote it than Kawi has, it is still a pretty weak 4 stroke effort, Yamaha caught the rest of the boys with their pants down and is proceeding to spank their soft white 4 stroke hinies. It takes Honda 5 years to release the CRF 450 ? Kawi makes no changes to the KLX and I admit, I have a real hard time looking at the KLX on the dealer floor next to the KDXs. All 3 bikes do about the same thing but the KDX's are cheaper and lighter. Now try to figure out why Kawi makes 2 KDX's just 20cc apart? Now that your head is spinning, stroll over to the Blue and white side of the fense and try some YZs or WRs on for size, ahhh, nice fit. If the sticker shock is to much the dealer says," Pssst, hey look what I got under my coat" and flashes his big yellow DRZ at you. I have never ridden the new KLX, but I had a 79 KLX 250 SOHC that we beat the fenders off of and It still ran great when I sold it last year, I saw the kid that bought it riding the tires off it 3 weeks ago.
As far as the KLX race goes, put that chain and tire on and lets have at it. :)
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