DRZ400E to which bike...???


Apr 28, 2001
I have a 2000 DRZ400E for sale right now( it is on ebay) and I am looking for a lighter bike with better suspension. I am leaning twords the WR250F right now, just worried that the power my 400 is putting out now will not be there with the 250. how does it compare to the drz. what other bikes should i consider? ktm 400exc, cannondale, 426?? I only weigh 150lbs and ride mostly trails, open feilds, and some track, agressive rider, looking for best power to wieght bike, just need someting lighter then the drz, thanks for any help


Sep 2, 2001
You will never regret the KTM. At your weight, I would look at the 400 not the 520. However, if you are truly aggressive" the 520 may not be a bad idea. I also hear the CRF450 is pretty good. Seat height on all is very high, though.
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