elks' boys do the right thing!


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
There is inly one thing I agree about Muslim Law is what they do to Rapists, I think it has something to do with the removal of genitals with a rusty blade :scream: ?

Now that would really send a message ;)


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by IrishEKU
There is inly one thing I agree about Muslim Law is what they do to Rapists, I think it has something to do with the removal of genitals with a rusty blade :scream: ?

Why use a blade? Just put some honey or ground beef on them and drop the guy in a pit to his waste and let rabid dogs eat them.



Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002

You sound exactly like most of the people in Oklahoma when Tim McVeigh blew up our Federal building. A lot of interesting punishment ideas spawned fro mthat occurence.

I too agree that pederasses should die a slow, painful death. Most child offenders and rapists die a slow, painful death in prison. Even murderers seem to have a heart when it comes to this.



Oct 30, 2001
Originally posted by XRpredator

Looks like our resident left-leaning friend feels the same as the rest of us right-wing wackos about this situation.

The coppers had to kill in this case. They were forced into a situation where they had to kill the creep or further risk their own safety. That's why it's fine with me. Normally though, I don't feel that killing someone as punishment for killing someone makes us any better than the criminal. (So don't go thinking that I switched sides or anything! :confused: :) )


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Dammit - The e-mail notification I had been waiting for all the live long day and what do I get? THIS????

:) :)

Oh yeah - Jaybird, sorry 'bout the quote thing ;)


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
I agree that killing a killer really doesn't make a difference. That is why I prefer torture :)

Seriously though, I do not like the death penalty. I feel it serves no advantage and is taxing on the judicial system b/c people fight and fight to get "only" life in prison. When their is no doubt in a persons guilt they should not have so many opportunities at technicalities.

I think criminals need harsher punishment and I want the people who flew those planes on 9/11 to suffer in hell. Those that helped plan it need a little torture before they get their fair trial.

I do think our system works for the most part and is a great system overall. I'd hate for us to pervert it into something where the criminals are punishing the criminals (as in a cop or judge not being any better).

I like the "idea" that our law abiding citizens are better people than the criminals.

But... when it comes to killing of children, molestation and other forms of brutality I see no problem with torturing the person into a sincere desire for them to take their own life with an old ball point pen!!



Apr 13, 2000
Originally posted by Truespode
I agree that killing a killer really doesn't make a difference. That is why I prefer torture :)

It will definetly keep them from killing again.


Dec 31, 1969
Man, I see where this is going...
Since we are in the member's only forum, I'll break one of my own rules.

Here ya go... let's just blow this thing wide open! Yee Haww... I'm feelin' a little froggy today :p

Here are the topics, discuss amoung yourselves.

Why is it our brothers and sisters on the left "generally" disapprove of the death penalty, but "generally" approve of abortion? Where do the father's rights come in?

If the "it's a woman's choice" world, why is prostitution illegal?

Why are cigs and booze legal and drugs aren't ?

Prepare for an oral presentation, due tomorrow at noon. Class dismissed. Let's see how grown-up we all are.


Oh boy. Can: Open. Worms: Everywhere...:scream:

One thing I'd like to add-As for making executions public and having whackos seeking their fifteen minutes of fame, I think the point Eddie was trying to make was that to get to that stage, they would have had to have taken a life/lives. That's where the real loss would be in that scenario, IMHO.

OK, talk amongst yourselves...

Edit-Let me add this: In This Particular Case, it is my opinion that justice was served. Too bad it didn't happen a little sooner, before the girls were molested.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Originally posted by Okiewan
Prepare for an oral presentation, due tomorrow at noon. Class dismissed.
The subject of my presentation shal be: "The Injustice of Late Friday Assignments and Saturday Oral Presentations".

(Jeez, I gotta do something about these premature submissions. . .)
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Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Originally posted by Okiewan
If the "it's a woman's choice" world, why is prostitution illegal?

Why are cigs and booze legal and drugs aren't ?
I'll take these two because the answer is easy. ... You can't regulate them easily with a tax that is fair and across the board. Plain & simple. :silly:


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
All I need is a beer and a lounge seat, I can tell by the questions I'm on the "right" side :confused:

whzee-You tax it the same as beer and Tobacco, who cares if it's not exactly fair for the crack heads
We as working Tax payers get a break due to the huge inflex of tax dollars while the gorilla warfar drug cartels lose a huge revenue base :)

It's a win win ;)


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
Okie, you've been watching John Stossel, huh. I say legalize pot. Let the degenerates weed themselves out.

"No" on public executions. I don't wanna feed any sicko's passion for gore & mutilation. Like Ivan sez, keep it behind doors, but let rumors fly.

I also say let us buy favors from inmates: The pervert who raped your daughter gets off with an easy 5 year sentence? Send a few dozen cartons of smokes, a porno mag, an elephant-sized penis pump and a tube of "stayhard" to his 6'5, 350 lb, black (or italian, ifyouknowwhattamean;) )cellmate who hasn't been with a woman for 11 years. You said "anything", right Okie?

Re: abortion, score one for us. A judge just halted a 9-week pregnant woman's abortion scheduled for tomorrow in response to the father's lawsuit to require her to keep the baby to full term!


Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by VintageDirt
Maybe so but with a series electrical connection, if one guy pops, the circuit will be broken and everybody might not get fried. On the other hand a parallel connection would probably require too much current. :p

This is where I come in, the research and development team. different voltage, amp, and durration testing will have to be done. Naturally, start with small to medium electrical loads and work up from there, a little at a time of course. :debil:

If the "it's a woman's choice" world, why is prostitution illegal?

what do you mean it's illegal? :eek:
Disclaimer...this statment not valid in Nevada
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A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Hmmmmm being a Police Admin Major in school and seeing the stats on each States problems with the incarceration problems. Why not do as Hollywood has done and buy some island somewhere and drop all the "Violent Offenders" there. Let Darwin take it's course. Personally if you violate a persons Constitutional/Bill of rights you deserve to be there. By commiting crimes against people they have exibited a preadatory nature and therefore shoud use that towrds survival on an island surrounded by shark infested waters ;) . Papillion(The Butterfly, based on a real person incarcirated on Devil's Island) was a good representation for this. I think that there should be an appeal movement to ammend the Constitution when it comes to inmates rights. Granted there are people in prison for "White Collar" crimes like taxes and such, but the sorry SOB's like the one mentioned need a vacation/run for their lives in a "Mad Max like atmosphere.

Phew! Where's the Tylenol? (Chevy Chase)


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Legalize ALL drugs - if you want to kill yourself be my guest. Absolutely no free/public paid for healthcare (ie NONE) for anything even remotely related to drugs! Oh yeah, tax em :)

Legalize prostition - tax it, health exams etc

We aren't doing anything but losing these wars, filling jail cells and making criminals. Use the money save from fighting these two wars, taxing them etc for education!

Death penalty - hehehehe Oh yeah :) You can add prison/jail adjustments to that. It aint supposed to be club freaking med people! You wouldn't want to be in a jail of my design trust me.

What else...

Abortion - thats a tough one for me. I definitely think there is a point that it shouldn't be done (barring special circumstances) but I don't think for a minute that it should be a NEVER EVER thing.

Can we talk about Insurance & Politics too Okie, please please :p

Edit: Didn't know we could have Chevy Chase quotes!

"I feel like a hundred bucks"
Chevy Chase in Caddyshack


Apr 13, 2000
#1 Should be the womans choice. The father isnt carrying the child so in my opinion they shouldnt have the final say.

#2 I think prostitution should be legal. Its happening so why not tax it...

#3 Not to sure on this one but might as well be the same as prostitution. Its happening so lets make some of them legal. Im not a drug expert so I dont know the ups and downs but from what I understand some arent as lethal or dangerous as others.


Apr 13, 2000

No healthcare for drug related - agreed

Also no abortion as birth control.


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Okie, can I feel the froggy when you're done?


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
ah, never mind. :confused:

I don't wanna feel the froggy, though. Especially after VD's done with it! :eek:
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Senior KX Rider

Super Power AssClown
Nov 9, 1999
As long as we are gonna open it up on this one....I'll throw this into the mix. :) BATON ROUGE, La. — Louisiana Gov. Mike Foster reminded women Thursday that they can pack a gun to protect themselves from a serial killer who has slain three women in the capital in the past 10 months.

"You have the right to get a gun permit," Foster said. "Learn to use it."

Land of the free and home of the brave.....Semper Fi :) :)


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Lets talk about legaliznig drugs some more ok? In my mind it is SO crystal clear I can't believe everyone doesn't see it MY way lol.

How much would we save by not fighting the WAR ON DRUGS (that can't be won anyway)? Billions and billions I'm sure. It would drive the price down and put the cartels out of business, how many secondary crimes could be eliminated by having cheap drugs? How about gang related/drug related violence? How much would we save by lightening the load on the courts/jails/prisons? Again billions I would think. How much more time would the police have to investigate missing children, rape cases, murders etc? What would having these new cash crops/taxes etc do for our economy? You could spend small percentages of this money to have awesome education programs, heck I am close to thinking that maybe we (non drug users) could have free health care with a portion of this money!

Man there seem to be so many benefits!
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