elks' boys do the right thing!


Aug 2, 2001
The immigrants that come here,working the system to scam money from the elderly.

I am going to leave that one alone. Because everyone knows white people do not scam anyone. Its only the immigrants.


Don’t get so offended. I respect cops. GOOD ONES! As a police officer you have to know you are going to be dealing with not so nice people. You better come to terms with it and control yourself. I would not be a cop because I am not sure I would not beat some one up for spitting on me.

I don't buy for a minute that the kid had the cops genitals in his hand, and if he did I think that once the kid had released the officer should have stopped hitting him. The cops clearly beat him after he had released. They went overboard. Let me hit you with a nightstick in the kidney a few times. You tell me how it feels. You don’t think the cops cussed at him? I cannot believe for a minute you are going to sit there and bald face lie saying those cops did their job by beating that kid like that. You are human I agree, but as a police officer you have to be able to control your anger. Tell me Elk. How many times have you heard of your brother officers being a little too rough.

Your job is to protect and serve! Not to beat the crap out of someone because you are mad or he said something to you.

If you hear about a guy with a prostitute in a hotel room, you probably think dirty guy. Right?

What if it was your Pastor at your church? What would you think then? I bet it would be worse to most folks. WHY? He is still human! He still has desire and needs. Why is it so much worse for a preacher to get caught with a hooker? Because he is held to a higher expectation once he becomes a preacher.
As are and should police officers. You guys have stepped to the plate and taken and oath to be fair, honest, protect and serve.

Remember your job is not judge nor jury.

You have been given authority and with that comes accountability! A police officer that commits a crime while on duty should be given three times the punishment as a civilian! We should also pay them more! They do risk their lives for us. 99% of them are good. I say the ones that are bad should be punished severely! Any cop that beats someone after they have submitted or runs them over with a car. Should be put in prison.

No TV or Weights? Elk tell us about the prisons cops get sent too?

Here in Dallas we had some yahoo cops making fake drug busts and setting up innocent people. The guys get put on paid leave! Later fired because of public outcry. That was rare! Most of the time they are given an admin job for a while then they are back on the streets. How about 1 strike and your out for cops!

You guys think the only time a cop gets out of line is when there is a freaking video of it? No!! That is the only time there is proof, and cops have this brother hood that they wont tell on each other. Go ahead Elk tell me I am wrong.

Would I be able to control myself? Probably not. That is why I would not become a police officer. I do not think I am strong enough to hold myself to those expectations. If you can't control yourself I dont want you out there watching over me either. I know being a cop is tough. I have never been one. I know that too. However, I have seen cops rough people up. I have seen them tell people to turn off video cameras and quit taking pictures. I have seen them abuse their authority! At one time I owned a nightclub here in Deep Ellum. I also managed several other clubs and events. That included hiring off duty police officers and running our security teams.

That being said I give anything I can to our law enforcement and fire fighters. Donations, they are not allowed to take discounts here but if I see they are an officer they get a much price. I admire them for protecting us. Last night my cop buddy gave me a cute german shepherd puppy! Police dog!


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by kingriz1
Because everyone knows white people do not scam anyone. Its only the immigrants.

FYI I don't believe the word 'immigrants' has anything at all to do with a persons RACE!


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by kingriz1
I am going to leave that one alone. Because everyone knows white people do not scam anyone. Its only the immigrants.

I see nothing wrong with the statement b/c all other countries blame their woes on the US yet they all want to come here.

As in all things there are good and bad. When your job is to deal with the bad you are going to have a jaded view. I know I would.

The cops clearly beat him after he had released. They went overboard.

That is why we have so many criminals. B/C they know the cops have to follow strict rules or the criminal becomes a millionare and the guy who put his life on the line to protect us is regarded as a disgrace.

It is a shame. I have absolutely no problem with a cop beating the **** out of a drug dealer, even if he is 17 or so. I have no problem with a cop taking a night stick to a guy who refuses to cooperate.

Granted that brings up certain rights issues but right now the law abiding citizens are the only ones losing rights.

Let me hit you with a nightstick in the kidney a few times.

If I were to catch you dealing drugs in my neighborhood (not saying you would, just an example) then I'd pay to watch the beating.

Tell me Elk. How many times have you heard of your brother officers being a little too rough.

IMO, it probably isn't enough.

Your job is to protect and serve! Not to beat the crap out of someone because you are mad or he said something to you.

Because he is held to a higher expectation once he becomes a preacher.
As are and should police officers.

I disagree. I don't hold my preacher to be anything but a man who knows more about scripture than I do. He is no closer to God than my cat is. He is just a man and men make mistakes and men react as humans.

It is part of nature. I may be upset that someone does that but I do understand.

I will not be upset if a cop beats the **** out of a low life scum drug dealer.

Remember your job is not judge nor jury.

And the criminals know that. That is why they get away with so much.

A police officer that commits a crime while on duty should be given three times the punishment as a civilian!

Not hardly. A cop should be given a break. For every one nose he breaks I'm sure there are 100 he held his fists back on. They are taunted every day in the hopes that they strike so the criminal can sue and become an instant millionair.

We should also pay them more! They do risk their lives for us. 99% of them are good.

That is the only smart thing I've seen from you in this post.

I say the ones that are bad should be punished severely!

I agree but a violent cop is not a bad one. He is an effective one if he is using that violence against criminals. It is about time the damn criminals be scared when a cop shows up.

How about 1 strike and your out for cops!

How about that for criminals? They are the ones causing the problem.

I admire them for protecting us. Last night my cop buddy gave me a cute german shepherd puppy! Police dog!

I hope you are smart enough to train it to attack a robber who breaks in your house and not try and talk him out of your window. Otherwise the criminal will talk the entire time he is bagging all your stuff.

A scared criminal is one that I'm not worried about b/c he isn't near my house.

I used to frequently take a gun out back and shoot off rounds until the neighbors complained. Now I have a rep for liking guns. Nobody comes in my yard anymore. Not even the Jehova Witnesses (after I opened the door holding a pistol and told them for the 3rd time I didn't want them around anymore).



Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Dang Ivan, I sent ya muju, mega, moxi, mojo only to look and see it went down into a big black hole :) Kudos my friend!


Aug 2, 2001

You dont have the ability or will not use it to see what one thing leads to. You are foolish. Its a slippery slope buddy.

I am going to leave that one alone. Because everyone knows white people do not scam anyone. Its only the immigrants.----I see nothing wrong with the statement b/c all other countries blame their woes on the US yet they all want to come here.

I wont even dignify that comment. You are an idiot!

Granted that brings up certain rights issues but right now the law abiding citizens are the only ones losing rights.

Oh my god a glimmer of inteligence!!

False alarm on the intelligence post! Sorry! Truespode does not undertand the difference between breaking laws and noses.
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Aug 2, 2001
Not even the Jehova Witnesses (after I opened the door holding a pistol and told them for the 3rd time I didn't want them around anymore).

Wow, you are SO COOL!!

I have guns too only I am not cool enough to point them at some one knocking at my door. I will take lessons from you on that one.

Hey how long is your mullet?


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Anyone ever watch The Shield on FX? Where the lead guy is sent into a room with the suspected child molester to ask where his latest victim is hidden? He finds out. That's real police work. And if more cops acted like that, maybe the criminals would live with a little more fear and law-abiding citizens would be able to live without it.

No offense meant to anyone, of course. Just a logical discussion going on hear.

Oh, yeah, and I think I wanna feel the frog today . . . :D


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
I don't recall Ivan saying he pointed a gun at anyone, just that he was holding a gun.

Hey how long is your mullet?

You're pretty cool yourself....... :silly:

Have a nice day :)


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by kingriz1
False alarm on the intelligence post! Sorry! Truespode does not undertand the difference between breaking laws and noses.

I completely understand the difference but I believe the legal system has placed too many restrictions on enforcement.

I have enough faith in our cops to believe they will use force when they feel force is necessary and they shouldn't have to second guess themself b/c of stupid people who want to hand criminals millions.

I know what you are saying. I understand all about the paradox of freedom and the slippery slope but it is about time we err on the side of protection instead of cautionary rights.

Most criminals are not scared of being caught b/c they know it won't cause them many issues other then getting 3 free hots, a shower, cable and a reunion with some friends. They will be out in 24 hours as soon as they bring up how they were beaten or the cop didn't miranda them.

I personally feel that if you are a criminal you should be scared of the law. If you don't have the moral ability to fear breaking the law then the fear needs to come from another measure and I'm all for allowing a cop to use some extra force.

I'm not saying he should shoot the guy in the knee if the guy is a stumbling drunk. I'm saying that if you have a guy who is a crack dealer and he is arrested with crack on him then beat him senseless until his eyes bulge and his piss is full of blood.

It isn't a matter of intelligence it is a matter of intolerence and there are certain crimes I'm intolerant of.

FWIW, I never said you weren't intelligent, just that I didnt' see anything intelligent in your post. You do not want to that route against me on this one b/c you'll be bringing a knife to a gunfight and I can promise you I have no problem using the gun. I can respectfully disagree with anyone as long as they don't make it personal.



Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by kingriz1
I have guns too only I am not cool enough to point them at some one knocking at my door. I will take lessons from you on that one.

I've never pointed a gun at anyone. I have only cocked back the chamber and released it as I opened the door.

The Jehova witnesses were harrassing me and would not take the hint. I opened the door, released the chamber, the gun made a metallic clank, they jumped and I calmly said "don't ever come back or I'll call the police."

I've garnered enough of a rep around the immediate vicinity that I don't need a gun anymore. Stories go around now that I have video survelience and know when anyone comes to my door. The pizza guy is always surprised that I arrive at the door right before he walks up. He can't understand that I listen for him instead of the doorbell.

Hey how long is your mullet?

In highschool it was halfway down my back.

Now my head is shaved b/c it is much cooler in my helmet.

Sounds like you want to make this personal b/c I disagree with your ideas. Too bad.

I only think you are wrong b/c what you want is hamstringing authority and giving more rights to criminals than to the law abiding citizen.



A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by kingriz1

Wow, you are SO COOL!!

I have guns too only I am not cool enough to point them at some one knocking at my door. I will take lessons from you on that one.

Hey how long is your mullet?

KY has one of the best laws in the US. Any one crosses your threashold uninvited you can pop them. Even if the perp lives he(Or his family) can't sue, ;) Now thats what I'm talking about!


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999

That is exactly what I'm talking about.

I'm not for shooting a speeder but shooting a guy dealing speed.



Jun 5, 2001
Riz, once agian, you turn this racial. When I say "immigrant" I meant just that. Did I say the black, the chinese, the middle eastern? No. I should have known from your previous posts that this would happen but hey, I thought people could change.:think:

After reading most of your BS replies, I actually felt like a God in your eyes! You hold us so high, I guess I chould take that as a compliment. Are we not allowed to have anger and feelings? Do I beat the snot out of some punk that just spit on me? No. I can say that I probably over react about 1 out of 100 times. And the over reaction is not a beating though, maybe just a little more help to the back of the car.

You really need to watch that video again, the cop only hit him once after the grabbing. Again, you change it to suit your feelings at that time. Supreme court ruling, striking back after a suspect spits, hits etc... happens. You can only hold back human anger so much. You sit there and say Oh, no, I couldn't do the job because I can't control my anger. BS! You know what this job did for me? It actually gave me more control when I'm not working. Someone cuts me off and shoots the finger, I just turn away and laugh. I've learned to talk my way out of situations verses having to fight all the time.

Here comes the brotherhood crap again too. Give me a break, it's in every profession my friend, hate to break it to you. Now if someone gets way outta line, yeah I'll say something but like has been already said, the criminals already know we have to play by the rules and they don't. People used to respect and fear the LA Sheriffs, when we stopped someone from LA, they didn't talk back and followed all directions given. Now, even the homeless guy at the bustop chimes in on how I'm supposed to handle a fleeing felon.

You wait and see Riz, right down the :uh: bud. The more you and other bleeding hearts cry about, the less control we will have and then one day, you'll be whining like a 3rd grader because we aren't allowed to help.

I disagree with the judge and jury remark, I do have to think like that, that way I can prevent another idiot getting off because I forgot something.:D

Do you think we know the law any better than you or the next guy. I'll let you in on a little secret, the drug dealer, car thief, bank robber.... knows alot more about what they are doing then me. It would be humanly possible for me to know everything. What I do know is this, I chose this profession because I felt like I had to help. I'm not perfect but I do my job, every day, holidays, weekends, riots or not. You want me on that wall to give you freedom but then question the very way I provide it. (couldn't help myself, love that movie!)

I tried to respond to all your rediculous remarks but didn't seem to get to them all. Go train your attack dog for a year then kick him in the nuts, see if he holds back biting your ass.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by a454elk

I tried to respond to all your rediculous remarks but didn't seem to get to them all. Go train your attack dog for a year then kick him in the nuts, see if he holds back biting your ass.

:) :) :)

griz, are you a card carrying spokesman for the ACLU?


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999

My opinions may see harsh to you but that is only b/c you haven't met me. I am one of the most tolerant people in the world. Just ask those that know me.

However, when someone crosses the line I have no use for them and no tolerance. I don't try to please everyone and don't expect people to please me.

Everyone has rights until they commit a crime... especially a serious crime.

You'd be surprised on how much we'd agree on. It's just I am going to err on the side of punishment.



Aug 2, 2001
I did not mean to make this racial. Exactly what immigrants were you talking about? My parents were immigrants, now they are US citizens.

Did you mean them. My neigbor is an immigrant did you mean him? Who did you mean? Care to compare the percentage of Americans that scam the elderly VS the percentage of Immigrants that do?

Elk, yes I do look up to you guys .You risk your life to protect us. I admire that. I have also seen the dark side of law enforcement. I dont like that side. I also dont like it when you let each other break the law. Just because in your eyes it was not "really" out of line. You are an officer upholding the laws of our great country!

Sounds like you want to make this personal b/c I disagree with your ideas. Too bad.

Not at all. Most of the time we agree. I dont like the slippery slope. You wont either ones you see whats at the bottom of the hill. I aree on punishment through a fair trial and all that other "BS" in the constitution. Sure it seems like a better way till you go a little further and its not so nice and now its hard to get back. I am even over the edge, I think child molesters and rapists should get the death penalty.

Irish-- Texas has some pretty cool gun laws too. We can carry! I am not against guns or shooting them. I was in my front yard yesterday shooting rounds. I just bought a place outside the city limits. I can shoot all day. So Truespode I am down with you on that point.

No I am not a member of the ACLU. I am not against them. If you only understood what freedoms of yours they have protected.
Go train your attack dog for a year then kick him in the nuts, see if he holds back biting your ass.

LOL! HAHA! That is funny, and for the record I said police dog not attack dog.

I saw the video. And I saw the one of the kid who got run over. He is on the groung with broken legs and they start beating him some more.

What was he charged with anyway? Some cops overtep their authority. They sit around with a hard on all their life waiting for a chance like that. To be big and tough. I say most cops like that are wusses too!

If you say you are going to stand up and uphold the law and we give you special priveleges and power, then you should be held more accountable. I dont understand how you dont see the logic in that? You are the crybabies. "Oh he was mean, or hey we are human."

You are an officer of the LAW! Now uphold it with honor! "Your brotherhood bs is sickening. Let him get away with it he's a cop!"
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Jun 5, 2001
I stand corrected, Police Dog, now go kick HIM in the nuts! Are you just whining because you get tickets. Geesh, I bet you could get a great deal at another matress store if you wanted, huh!? Don't you think that all jobs have perks? Can I get away with doing robberies, burgs, murders, NO. Didn't you own a club, bet you never let anyone in for free, did you? Stop the poop man, for God's sake.

Now immigrants, I guess I have to clarify for you. White, dark yada yada yada. No color here, but I can tell you that a majority of fraud crimes are done by Gypsies and illegal immigrants from Puerto Rico and such. Now you say your parents are legal immigrants then I say whoopee! Great for them, do they have anything to worry about, No.

I agree we are help more accountable than others but that doesn't mean that there aren't bad in every profession. I've seen badge heavy guys that tend to get themselves in trouble. If it's something serious then we speak up. Would you turn a guy in for selling a matress for more than it was worth? Now would you turn that same guy in if he was stealing them and then selling them?

And for the record, I can whine if I want!:moon: :whiner:
Uphold this Riz!:moon: :):) j/k
I'll tell you what, you come out here, drive like a fool, and I'll stop you, and to your delight, let you go! Are we even now?


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by kingriz1
You are an officer of the LAW! Now uphold it with honor! "Your brotherhood bs is sickening. Let him get away with it he's a cop!"

I see your point but honestly I disagree b/c I do not see it going to the extreme like you do. That and I am so tired of all these criminals getting off. I grew up as a poor white trailer trash redneck. I saw some drugs and learned enough about the trade to stay away. As my friend would say, "the money was good but the health benefits will kill you."

I don't say let a cop get away with a few extra punches or a baton swatting b/c he is a cop but let's have some understanding before we are so quick to say a cop is wrong. Cops used to be more violent and overstep the bounds but things like Rodney King has brought it around to where a cop has to justify punching a criminal. It is like a pendulum and in the middle is where the suffering is b/c the ones that want to do right are hesitant.

A hesitant cop can be a more dangerous cop than a violent cop.

I know that if I was talked to like a cop is talked to day in and day out I'd have hit somebody and I'm very, very slow to violence. However, cops get treated poorly by the criminals day in and day out. There is an understanding with me that if they lose their cool and pop someone a few times then we shouldn't be so quick to throw them out of the police force.

And if the criminal is a child molestor or drug dealer then they should be popping the criminal on a routine basis. Most criminals who get caught are the dumb ones and the smart ones stay away from the mess, leaving their pawns to take the fall. The pawns are too stupid to understand what is right and wrong but they understand pain. That is why they don't cross the drug lords... they know they will be butchered and their family would too.

I never want us to get to a point like that but I have no problem with the drug criminal being scared of a beating.

FWIW, it isn't drugs that is the problem IMO. I don't care if drugs are legal. The problem is they sell the drugs to kids, use kids as lookouts, use kids as runners and ruin a kids potential to be a solid, law abiding citizen.



Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Originally posted by txvintage
Did any one see that game between the Niners and Redskins?
:) Finally, a post I want to reply to :)

I know we get a bit more liberty in here but when's this thread going to be sut down?? :think:


Jun 5, 2001
Shut up RM or I'll beat you!:):):)


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Watch it RM_guy I see the doughnuts flying now!!! :)


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Truespode was wrong in his assumption that:
You know... I doubt XRPred will think I'd be a benevolent dictator anymore :)
Au contraire, mon frère! I'm still voting for you! As long as I get appointed the Minister of Packing Heat and Riding Dirt Bikes on Golf Courses. ;)
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