
May 20, 2000
Alright, who's feeling adventuresome? This will be the second year that a Women's class is provided at the Endurocross in Las Vegas. I wasn't feeling up to the task last year, but 2007 is different. I'm signed up to race this thing, now we just need to come up with a full gate of women to make it a good race. Maria Forsberg and I can't be out there by ourselves doing all this crazy stuff, we need some more competition. If you're a hard core woods rider, then give it some serious thought. Where else will you have a chance to ride your dirt bike over giant boulders, tractor tires and piles of telephone poles inside a real arena? The Friday amateur races (for "normal" people like me) are going to be huge fun. Then on Saturday it's time to relax, tip back a few cold ones and watch the pros race. How's that for a quality experience in Vegas? Yahoo! Who's in???



Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
When's the date? I'll come and watch you hard core types - it'll be good to see you and Maria out there banging bars. Isn't Heather Wilson doing this one?

Vegas!! :yeehaw:
Apr 30, 2007
Something tells me that even if I could afford the trip, my poor little CR (okay okay okay I'll admit I'm scared of them too!!) would be pretty scared of the telephone poles.

I'll cheer here from DRN :)


May 20, 2000
Amateurs run on Friday November 16 and the pro race is Saturday November 17. Tickets are still available at

I heard recently that Heather was hurt and not racing. Don't know any more than that or even if it's true.

The program is setup to gate the Women's class and Junior (under 23 years-old) class together. If there are a minimum of 8 women, then we will get our own race. That would be very cool and why I'm trying to recruit here.


Apr 28, 2007
zero_it said:
Amateurs run on Friday November 16 and the pro race is Saturday November 17. Tickets are still available at

I heard recently that Heather was hurt and not racing. Don't know any more than that or even if it's true.

The program is setup to gate the Women's class and Junior (under 23 years-old) class together. If there are a minimum of 8 women, then we will get our own race. That would be very cool and why I'm trying to recruit here.

If you get 8 from DRN I promise to fly down and cheer you all on, so long as I can get all your autographs, and buy the first round of beverages. You women are so awesome, and so much my heros. :cool:

Go git em.



Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Too bad I hate rocks, trees, water holes etc...

The other thing is WAY too many trips this year...yeah new store manager at new store not into Tracie's hobby...


May 20, 2000
Bumping it back up.....still looking for victim, er, um, interested racers!
Apr 30, 2007
zero_it said:
Bumping it back up.....still looking for victim, er, um, interested racers!

If someone could sponsor the trip for me, I'd seriously make an attempt at it. I would be gaurenteed (what is with my spelling today?! :bang: ) last, but I would do it!

Edited to add in a clip from one of the previous races...HOLY somethingsomethingsomething!!!
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Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Will you be running the same track the Pro's race on or is it tamed down for the Amateurs? If that track is as it is raced by the Pro's you're a better person than I to even consider attempting it.
Apr 30, 2007
Chili said:
Will you be running the same track the Pro's race on or is it tamed down for the Amateurs? If that track is as it is raced by the Pro's you're a better person than I to even consider attempting it.

Not better. Not even close to being better.

Just young and perhaps less than "intelligent" with a double helping of "Yes-of-course-I'm-invincible-even-though-I-have-arthritis-and-junk-shoulders."

The only way I would make it around the pro track would be in first gear, by dumb luck if that. For the time being, the little CR and I have been INCREDIBLY lucky, and we've had an incredible amount of help from the local racing community (still no sponsors turned down by the few I tried because they choose to sponsor golf, tennis, knowledge bowl, and not motorsports).

I have learned a lot and my riding has improved by 500% since I started racing this summer (yes, the race reports are coming...). I am, BY FAR, a rather unskilled rider. However, in everything I do, I am determined and willing to learn even if it takes "learning the hard way" to get things right.

Hope that clarifies things for you a little ;)


May 20, 2000
The track is supposed to be set up a little tamer on Friday for the amateurs, but it's the same course. They'll build bigger kickers in front of the big logs and the tires for us and then knock them back down for the pro race on Saturday. Either way, it ain't gonna be easy! :eek:


May 20, 2000
Sunday I spent some time on a friend's endurocross practice track. Now I know first hand that this is going to be a serious test of my riding ability, strength and stamina.'s way fun! The big loader tires were a scary deal to figure out. It's like hitting a brick wall and then, once on top, you have to square away your bike and ride around or (yes, it's true) through the middle of the holes in the tires and cleanly jump off the back side. You gotta hit it hard to clear the holes in the tires, but, with enough speed, it's actually a little easier than trying to hit the perfect line across the flat spots on the tires. I got some great advice on how to clear the 24" logs and put then together some good laps out there. I also endo'd a couple times (once over a big log and once off the tires) and high-sided off the tires once. That's pretty much part of the deal, I gotta learn one way or another. Here are some shots of the track. No, that's NOT me jumping up onto the tires!


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Apr 30, 2007
I'm still interested...although I know for sure I'm going in over my head...

I badly want to try that.

My determination is getting me places this summer. It took ten hours, but the little CR has recovered from the broken gear in good style. Although I ran on 45 minutes sleep and a lot of energy beverages...we did extremely well.

4th out of 5, beating one of the chicks that had gotten us pretty badly'll hear about her in the last installment of the thief river falls adventure when I ever get it written...


May 20, 2000
There's less than a month to go now until the Las Vegas Endurocross! I've been practicing and training hard for this one. Finally put the finishing touches on my practice track at home last weekend. Here are a couple shots of me preparing for the big event. I'll be #64 at the race, so be sure to cheer for me and/or come visit if you're there. The amateur races are on Friday Nov. 16, with no gate admission.



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Jul 29, 2006
OMG seeing pictures like that makes me feel completely inadequate. I would kill myself.
May be some of the skills in this thread will rub off on me virtually..


Apr 28, 2007
Good Luck!

Zero-it: Wow! That track looks way cool. I got an opportunity to ride on a track that has some of those features...mmm... If you take those same obstacles and set them into the ground a "tad". It would be really fun to be able to train on something like that with regularity. Thanks for posting the pics. If you get an opportunity, please post a few more before the big day!

: I'm guessing if you rode the Wild West you are quite adequate. I'm with you on the sentiment though.. I hope some Big Skills, a sprinkling of youthful throw caution to the wind, and a healthy dose of Old Fashioned Moxie will ooze through the Internet. (hey, I can dream! There's no law against it.)

I'm also in awe of these gals. They are great role models!! :nod: :worship:
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Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Lori, that's pretty spectacular to have a practice course set up but I would expect nothing less from a hard core type like you :)
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