
Oct 28, 2001
Let the treehuggers live in these areas and I gurantee you they would want their landaround them to be managed to protect them from the same fate. this is the best line of the article> "There's a fairly well meaning, but totally ignorant group of people in this community who think you can manage the environment in a hands-off manner, but these people don't live out here," he said. "Don't come up here in designer clothes and an SUV and tell me you love the woods. There's no more trees to hug."

Obie #8 ;)

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
they won't care! a old VW bus only cost a couple grand to replace then they have a new home.


Oct 14, 1999
'They' are out to completely exclude people from any/all access to every place they can make it happen.

One favorite local riding area has had water quality studies done recently. We ride in the watershed of a local community. The water was found to be of THE BEST QUALITY where we ride..and have ridden for decades!!

The whackoes response? 'We should close the area to make sure it stays clean.'

They live here all right. They live right damn here I promise you.

We can't even harvest timber that has already been burned! Local mills won't even BID on timber sales because they are AFRAID the whackoes (like ELF) will burn them to the ground.

The umpqua national forest (just north) has taken out up to 45million board feet in one year. Over the past..what...5-8 years, they've taken NOT A STICK.

I'm not saying that forest can support 45MBF a year. It can't. I've seen the local area (especially the privately held land like weyerhauser) get completely decimated over the past 40 years. It's amazing what's NOT here anymore.

That doesn't mean the forest is not to be used. I'm not a whackjob (says me...don't ask all my wives...ex or not!;) ) but I'd say I'm environmentalist to the core. You can't LIVE on this earth and want to destroy it unless you're crazy.

...that doesn't mean you don't treat forests as renewable resources..cuz they ARE!

Not to mention a GREAT place to ride!!!! A 2-STROKE TO BOOT!! Which is exactly what I'll be doing for the next two weeks, most every day, YeeHaw!!!
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Mike McGlade

Jan 13, 2000
It's up to us to do something about the environmental exreemists and the power they hold in Washington. Please visit the Blue Ribbon Coalition website for more information in regards to what can be done to fight for our rights before it is too late. Remember, environmentalism is just a new name for socialism. It is also time the manufacturers got on board to assist us with our battle. I believe only KTM is appropriating money from their budget to help our cause but that is a good start and will hopefully catch on with the others, especially the big four. Remember, most of us are concerned about the environment too, but we also know there are ways to accomodate everyone responsibly, create more logging jobs (which will lessen the effects of forest fires), and protect sensitive areas at the same time. Do something about it before we are put on the endangered species list!


Sep 8, 1999
It is also time the manufacturers got on board to assist us with our battle. I believe only KTM is appropriating money from their budget to help our cause but that is a good start and will hopefully catch on with the others, especially the big four.
Hallelujah brother.
Don't just write a letter to your government officials. Write one to Kawasaki or Honda or what ever jap brand you ride and tell em you'll be buying an orange bike next if they don't get off their a$$ and join the good fight. Manufacturers will listen if the cash register falls silent, otherwise we're just background noise. A wise man once said "vote with your wallet."
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Mar 29, 2002
Want a real good dose of what the greens are up to for the long run? Click on this address & read the slide show. www.wildlandsprojectrevealed.org
I agree with cycleboy - We should rally the manuf's & get them to spend a little of the million$ they receive from us to support their own industry.
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