Eric, Rich, I really need your cranshaft expertise


Oct 9, 2000
I replaced the rod kit in my 2001 KX125 since it was beat. The crank was rebuild by my AMI trained friend and it was trued to under.001". We installed the crank into new Moose bearings with the puller tool and the kawasaki wedge. It went together fine and seemed to center itself as we heard a large POP when the cases were tightened(Eric, you describe this in your book I believe).
So I finished putting the external motor parts on and when I started it, it siezed in a matter or revs. Probably went around 20 times and stopped up.

I tore it back apart and it has a really, really wierd problem. The crank managed to jam itself against the left side case. It recentered itself to the left of the motor for some reason. What would cause this? Can I just use a dead blow hammer and a punch on the crank centers to recenter it in the cases, or do I need to tear the motor back apart and do it all over?

BTW, the rod kit was a Hot Rod and the bearings were Moose(i mentioned that I think).

Thanks for your help!


Oct 9, 2000
Turned out that I forgot to tighten the primary nut and it backed off and jambed against the case acting as a press and shoving the crank to the left of the motor. I recentered the crank and tightened the but and it works great now.
Whoops. Not too bad, all it took to fix it was 2 hours, some cursing, and best of all, it was free!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
That's good to hear, when the nut backed off it never damaged anything?

See now you will never forget to tighten that nut again :)


Oct 9, 2000
suprisingly, there was no damage other than some scuffs on the inside of the case. Othen then hurting my pride, nothing else was hurt.
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