So I went to put the case back on the KX85 tonight. Its the left side case that I had removed to inspect the crank area for piston debris after the rings went south.
Everything seemed to be in order and the case went on about halfway and then I met resistance. I convinced it on with my rubber mallet going in a little more than gentle sequence around the case. I got it down to about .5mm of being together and then inserted the bolts in hopes of drawing it together the final .5mm ---------- No Dice.
Once the case was drawn together, neither the crank nor the counterchaft would spin freely, something got cocked up.
So now I am at that moment of having to take it apart again which is going to fun and figuring out why it didn't go on properly.
My question now is have I shagged any of the bearings by it not going on completely straight?
When the case came off the last time, the crank bearing stayed in the case. If I heat the case, the bearing will probably come out of the case this time you think? Then it will be stuck to the crank where I guess I can heat it some to remove it there.
This is all pretty frustrating. My son is supposed to race this bike on Saturday night to open the series. I had thought for sure that we could have this bike done by I am not!
I have never had much luck with 2-strokes it seems. I have built 6 streetbikes over the last 3 years and never ran into these types of issues. I feel like a total newb when I get to working on 2-strokes. LOL
I thought they were supposed to be easier?
Everything seemed to be in order and the case went on about halfway and then I met resistance. I convinced it on with my rubber mallet going in a little more than gentle sequence around the case. I got it down to about .5mm of being together and then inserted the bolts in hopes of drawing it together the final .5mm ---------- No Dice.
Once the case was drawn together, neither the crank nor the counterchaft would spin freely, something got cocked up.
So now I am at that moment of having to take it apart again which is going to fun and figuring out why it didn't go on properly.
My question now is have I shagged any of the bearings by it not going on completely straight?
When the case came off the last time, the crank bearing stayed in the case. If I heat the case, the bearing will probably come out of the case this time you think? Then it will be stuck to the crank where I guess I can heat it some to remove it there.
This is all pretty frustrating. My son is supposed to race this bike on Saturday night to open the series. I had thought for sure that we could have this bike done by I am not!
I have never had much luck with 2-strokes it seems. I have built 6 streetbikes over the last 3 years and never ran into these types of issues. I feel like a total newb when I get to working on 2-strokes. LOL
I thought they were supposed to be easier?