Exercise Question


Damn Yankees
Nov 19, 2002
I am trying to lose weight, and am eating a HELLUVA lot better than I used to be. I have a granola bar for breakfast, salad for lunch, (sometimes a snack when I get home from school), and whatever is for dinner.

What exercises would be good for me for the upcomming racing season? I want to focus mainly on something that can build my endurance level. I can only go for about 4-6 laps of pushing my hardest at my 2 local tracks, and then im completely DEAD. So which exercises would be best for this, and would help to lose weight? I dont like to run, if that would be one of them.



Apr 17, 2002
Jump roping is good. 10 min of that is equal to 30 min of running plus you gain endurance in your forearms...i.e less armpump. Also riding a stationary bike is good stuff too. Alot of cardio whatever you choose is best for MX endurance. ALso light lifting with 5lb weights for arms. Sounds stupid but do curls for 30 secs fast and you will be in pain. Go right into shoulders, then triceps. Good stuff. Had to do this for college basketball so I could keep my arms up on defense for the entire 40 min game.

Don't do alot of heavy lifting. Tyler evans had to slim down to compete with the big boys and it shows.

When you go to a track try not to pound out 5 laps full speed all the time. Go out and concentrate on doing things right at about 60-70% of your normal pace. You can stay out longer and build endurance without feeling like you are killing yourself. I did this and it came down to not even jumping any of the jumps (took too much energy). But it helped to stay out twice as long and still be able to maintian good form when tired. Plus as a bonus you will notice that you get faster without getting as tired. The longer your on the bike, (even at a slower pace) the more you learn. Its all about seat time.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Almost 3 months ago i started taking a SPIN class at my gym.. My endurance has definately increased..
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